Virtues of TABLIGH

Revised translation of the Urdu book Faza'il-e-Tabligh

by Shaikhul Hadith Maulana Muhammad Zakariyya Kaandhlawi





translation revised by Mazhar Mahmood Qureshi Khwaia Ihsanul Haq

FOREWORD ...................................... 5-7
Page No
Verses from the Holy Qur'an concerning Tabligh 8-12
Sayings of the Holy Prophet concerning Tabligh 13-27
Practise what you preach 28-30 L,EG $3
Importance of Ikraam (Honour) in Tabligh 31-33
Importance of Ikhlaas (Sincerity) in Tabligh 34-36
Respect for Learning and the Learned in Islam 37-40
Keeping company with the Righteous Divines 41-46

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We praise Him, and we ask His blessings on His nol)le Prophet.

First, I give thanks to Allah, who has enabled me to write this booklet on Tabligh. One of the best of the Muslim scholars of this age has advised me to select a few verses of the Holy Qur'an and some savings of the I-ioly Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) on Tabligh, and ex-plain the same. Since my humble services to such sincere believers can be a means of salvation for me. I present this useful pamphlet to ever" Islamic School, Islamic Associa- tion, Islamic Government, rather to every Muslim, and re-quest them to serve the sacred cause of Tabligh in their own wav. In fact, during this age there is a dav-to-dav de- cline in our devotion to religion. and objections against our true faith are raised not only by disbelievers, but also by the so-called 'Muslims'. The fardh and waajib observances are being neglected not only by the common Muslims. but by those also who hold important positions. Millions of Muslims have indulged in manifest false-worship, not to speak of neglecting prayers and fasting; vet they arc never conscious of their practices which are against a pure alle- giance to Allah. Trespassing the religious limits is verv common, and mocking at the religious beliefs has becornc il fashion of the dav. That is whv the Muslim scholars have even begun to shun the common folk, and the result of this state of affairs is that ignorance about the teachings of Islam is increasing day bv day. People offer the excuse that no one teaches them the religion of Islam with a keen interest. and the Muslim scholars have an excuse that no one listens to them attentivelv. But none of these excuses is valid before Allah. As a matter of fact. He wi!l ncver <accept the excuse of the common folk that they were ignorant about


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religious matters; for to learn religion, and to make a se- rious effort to acquire knowledge of its practices is the per- sonal responsibility of every Muslim. Since ignorance of law is no excuse under any government, then why should it be accepted by the Lord of all rulers? They say, making excuses for crime is worse than crime itself. Similarly, the excuse of the scholars that no one listens to them does not hold water. They boast of representing the great spiritual leaders and divines of the past, but never consider how many troubles and hardships they bore to preach the true religion! Were they not pelted with stones? Were they not abused and oppressed to the extreme degree? But in spite of all these obstacles and hardships, they fulfilled their re- sponsibilities about preaching, and they propagated the message of Islam regardless of any opposition.

Generally, the Muslims have limited Tabligh to the scholars only, whereas every Muslim has been commanded by Allah to stop people from doing forbidden things. If we admit for a moment that Tabligh is the duty of Muslim scholars only who do not perform it properly, then it is the particular duty of every Muslim to preach Islam. The em- phasis that has been laid on Tabligh by the Qur'an and Hadith, will be proved by the Qur'anic verses and sayings of the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) that are going to be quoted in the following pages. Therefore, you cannot confine Tabligh to scholars only, nor can it be an excuse for you to neglect the same. I would request every Muslim to devote his time and energy to Tabligh as much as he can:

"Consi jer, the time at your disposal. a blessing; for none knows what his end will be."

You need not necessarily be a perfect scholar to preach Islam and good morals to humanity. Whatever little knowl- edge of Islam you possess, you must impart it to others. Whenever a morally wrong or a forbidden thing is done in your presence, then as a Muslim it is your duty to stop the transgressor, as far as it lies in your power. I have described all the important things about Tabligh briefly in seven chapters, and I hope that every Muslim will benefit from them.







First of all, I want to mention a few verses of the Holy Qur'an concerning Tabligh. From these verses, the readers can easily see how important Allah considers the preach- ing of Islam. I have come across as many as sixty verses on this particular subject, and Allah knows how many more verses could be found by another keen observer. I quote here a few of them for the benefit of every true believer.

"And whose words can be better than his, who calls (people) towards Allah, and performs good deeds, and says: 'I am one of those who submit to Allah!'"

Certain commentators have written that whoever in- vites people to Allah through any means deserves the honour mentioned in the above verse. For instance, the prophets call people to Allah by means of miracles. and su- pernatural actions, the scholars invite them by preaching and arguments, the Muslim warriors [mujahids) call them by means of the sword: and the muazzins cat1 them 'bv means of the azaan. In short, whoever invites people to good deeds deserves this reward, whether he calls them to the formal observances of Islam or to the internal improve- ments of the spirit, like the mystics who stress the purifica- tion of the heart and the realization of Allah's attributes.

In the concluding verse quoted above some com-mentators say such a person should also be proud of the honour bestowed on him by Allah, of being categorised as a Muslim, and he should proclaim this honour in words.

Some other commentators interpret that he should not be proud of being a preacher, but should consider himself as an ordinary Muslim.

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Ch. I: Verses of Qumn 9

"(0Prophet! Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) preach to them (the Truth), for preaching proves very beneficial for the Believers."

I The commentators have written that by preaching is meant instructing the believers through the verses of the Holy Qur'an, for these would guide them to the Right Path. But such a preaching can be useful for the disbelievers also, for thereby they may become believers. Alas! in this age, preaching is not performed regularly and properly. Generally the object of the preachers is to show off their ability and eloquence to the listeners, whereas the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) has said:

"Whoever learns the art of declamation in order to attract the people towards himself, his prayers and ob- servances, whether obligatory or optional, will not be accepted on the Day of Judgement."


"And command your family to observe the pray- f $ers, and also perform these yourself regularly. We do 5 not ask you for sustenance. We will give you suste- nance; and the ultimate success is for the God-fearing."

Numerous traditions say that whenever anyone com- plained of poverty to the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam), he recited this verse, and advised him to per- form his prayers regularly, as though pointing to the fact that regularity in prayers will lead to ample provision.

It has been stressed in this verse to do a thing yourself before giving instructions to other, because this is a more effective and successful method of preaching. That is why all the prophets themselves first did what they preached to others. Thus they became examples for their followers, who would not then think that the teaching of their relig- ion are so difficult to carry out.

Moroever. Allah has promised ample provision for those who perform the prayers regularly, so that they should never feel that prayers can interfere with the earn- ing of their livelihood, whether through trade, service, etc. Thereafter it is stated as a rule, that ultimate success and salvation will be attained by the God-fearing only.