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The Hajj And Umrah At A Glance
Based Upon Shaykh Muhammad Naasiruddeen Al-Albaanee
Upon arrival in Makkah
‘Umrah (Tawaaful-Qudoom)
8th Dhul-Hijjah
Wearing The Ihram`
Stay In Mina
9th Dhul-Hijjah
Stand In ‘Arafah
Stay In Muzdalifah
10th Dhul-Hijjah
Stoning The Pillars
Performing The Sacrifice
Shave Head
11th, 12th, 13th Dhul-Hijjah
Stay In Mina For Stoning
Upon departure from Makkah
Makkah (Ka’bah) (Distance 4-5 km = 2.48-3.10 miles) Minna
Jamarat (Distance 6-7 km = 3.72- 4.34 miles) Muzdalifah
Muzdalifah (Distance 8-9 km =4.97-5.59 miles) ‘Arafat
Minna (Distance 3 km = 1.8 miles) Muzdalifah
Makkah (Ka’bah) (Distance 22.4 km = 14 miles) ‘Arafat
U m r a h ( T a w a a f u l - Q u d o o m )
Proceed to appropriate Meeqaat. On entering state of Ihram recite –
ةَﺮْﻤُﻌِﺑ ﱠﻢُﻬﱠﻠﻟا َﻚْﻴﱠﺒَﻟ
LabbaikAllahumma bi-`umrah
Here I am O Allah, (in response to Your call) making ‘Umrah.
In fear of not completing the ‘Umrah, recite
ﻲِﻨَﺘْﺴَﺒَﺣ ُﺚْﻴَﺣ ْﻲﱢﻠِﺤَﻣ ﱠﻢُﻬﱠﻠﻟا
Allahumma mahillee haithu habastanee
O Allah, [If I am prevented by an obstacle then indeed]
my place is where You prevent me.
Standing, face the Qiblah and recite
ﺔَﻌْﻤُﺳ َﻻَو ﺎَﻬْﻴِﻓ َءﺎَﻳِر َﻻ ٌةَﺮْﻤُﻋ ِﻩِﺬَه ﱠﻢُﻬﱠﻠﻟا
Allahumma haadhihi umrah , laa riyaa'a feehaa wa laa sum'ah
O Allah, there is neither showing off nor seeking repute in this ‘Umrah.
Then loudly recite the talbiyah –
،ﻚْﻴﱠﺒَﻟ َﻚَﻟ َﻚْﻳِﺮَﺷ َﻻ َﻚْﻴﱠﺒَﻟ ،ﻚْﻴﱠﺒَﻟ ﱠﻢُﻬﱠﻠﻟا َﻚْﻴﱠﺒَﻟ
ﻚَﻟ َﻚْﻳِﺮَﺷ َﻻ ُﻚْﻠُﻤْﻟا َو َﻚَﻟ َﺔَﻤْﻌﱢﻨﻟا َو َﺪْﻤَﺤْﻟا ﱠنِإ
“Labbayk Allahumma Labbayk, Labbayk la sharika laka
Labbayk, Innal hamda wanni‘mata laka walmulk
La sharika lak”
Here I am O Allah, (in response to Your call), here I am. Here I am, You have no
partner, here I am. Indeed all the Praise, Grace and Sovereignty belong to You.
You have no partner.
also from the talbiyah, recite -
ّﻖَﺤْﻟا َﻪَﻟِإ َﻚْﻴﱠﺒَﻟ
Labbaika ilaahal haqq
Here I am O Lord of Truth.
Upon entering al-Masjidul-Haraam with the right foot, recite –
،ﻢﱢﻠَﺳ َو ٍﺪﱠﻤَﺤُﻣ ﻰَﻠَﻋ ﱢﻞَﺻ ﱠﻢُﻬﱠﻠﻟا
ﻚِﺘَﻤْﺣَر َباَﻮْﺑَأ ﻲِﻟ ْﺢَﺘْﻓا ﱠﻢُﻬﱠﻠﻟا
Allahumma salli `alaa muhammadin wa sallim –
Allahumma aftah lee abwaaba rahmatika
O Allah, send prayers and peace upon Muhammad,
O Allah, open the doors of Your Mercy for me.
Starting at al-Hajarul-Aswad (The Black Stone)
, men only - uncover right shoulder
by placing Ihram underneath right arm-pit. When beginning each circuit, make a
sign with your right hand towards al-Hajarul-Aswad (The Black Stone)
, and recite –
ﺮَﺒْآَأ ُﻪﱠﻠﻟا
Allahu Akbar
Allah is the Greatest.
Make seven circuit’s of Ka’bah
(for first three circuit’s only, men only - swiftly walk
around the Ka’bah; Then begin fourth circuit, walking at normal pace completely
around and finish until seventh circuit). During each circuit, whilst between ar-
Ruknul-Yamaanee (The Yemeni Corner)
and The Black Stone, recite –
ِةَﺮِﺧﻵا ﻲِﻓ َو ًﺔَﻨَﺴَﺣ ﺎَﻴْﻧﱡﺪﻟا ﻲِﻓ ﺎَﻨِﺗﺁ ﺎَﻨﱠﺑَر
رﺎﱠﻨﻟا َباَﺬَﻋ ﺎَﻨِﻗ َو ًﺔَﻨَﺴَﺣ
Rabbanaa aatinaa fid-dunyaa hasanatan wa feel aakhirati
hasanatan wa qinaa 'adhaaban naar
Our Lord! Give us in this world that which is good and in the Hereafter that
which is good, and save us from the torment of the Fire!
Cover right shoulder, and then go behind Station of Ibrahim and recite –
ﻰﻠَﺼُﻣ َﻢْﻴِهاَﺮْﺑِإ ِمﺎَﻘﱠﻣ ْﻦِﻣ اْوُﺬِﺨﱠﺗاَو
Wattakhidhoo min-maqaami ibraaheema musalla
And take the station of Ibrahim as a place of prayer.
Behind Station of Ibrahim - if possible, otherwise anywhere within al-Masjidul-
Haraam: Pray two rakaah naafilah; in first rakaah recite Soorah al-Kaafiroon and in
second rakaah, Soorah al-Ikhlaas. Then go to Zam-Zam well and drink from it, then
pour some water over head. Return to al-Hajarul-Aswad and make a sign with your
right hand towards it for the last time
, and recite –
ﺮَﺒْآَأ ُﻪﱠﻠﻟا
Allahu Akbar
Allah is the Greatest.
Begin Sa’ee at as-Safa. The Sa’ee Area is approximately 1/2 km (= 0.31 mile)
each round.
The total 7 rounds is less than 3.5 km (= 2.17 miles).
At foot of as-Safa recite –
ْﻦَﻤَﻓ ِﻪﱠﻠﻟا ِﺮِﺋﺂَﻌَﺷ ْﻦِﻣ َةَوْﺮَﻤْﻟاَو ﺎَﻔﱠﺼﻟا ﱠنِإ
َفﱠﻮﱠﻄَﻳ ْنَأ ِﻪْﻴَﻠَﻋ َحﺎَﻨُﺟ َﻼَﻓ َﺮَﻤَﺘْﻋا ِوَأ َﺖْﻴَﺒْﻟا ﱠﺞَﺣ
ﻢْﻴِﻠَﻋ ٌﺮِآﺎَﺷ َﻪﱠﻠﻟا ﱠنِﺈَﻓ ًاﺮْﻴَﺧ َعﱠﻮَﻄَﺗ ْﻦَﻣَو ﺎَﻤِﻬِﺑ
Innas-safaa wal marwata min sha'aa'irillaahi faman hajjal baita
'awi`tamara falaa junaaha 'alaihi an yattawwafa bihimaa wa
man tatawwa'a khiran fa'innAllaha shaakirun 'aleemun
Verily! As-Safa and al-Marwah are of the Symbols of Allah. So it is not a sin on
him who performs Hajj or 'Umrah of the House to perform the Tawaf between
them. And whoever does good voluntarily, then verily, Allah is All-Recognizer,
Each time upon as-Safa and al-Marwah facing Ka’bah, recite –
ﺮَﺒْآَأ ُﻪﱠﻠﻟَا ،ﺮَﺒْآَأ ُﻪﱠﻠﻟَا ،ﺮَﺒْآَأ ُﻪﱠﻠﻟَ
ﻲِﻴْﺤُﻳ ُﺪْﻤَﺤْﻟا ُﻪَﻟ َو ُﻚْﻠُﻤْﻟا ُﻪَﻟ ،ﻪَﻟ َﻚْﻳِﺮَﺷ َﻻ ُﻩَﺪْﺣَو ُﻪﱠﻠﻟا ﱠﻻِإ َﻪَﻟِإ َﻻ
؛ﺮْﻳِﺪَﻗ ٍءْﻲَﺷ ﱢﻞُآ ﻰَﻠَﻋ َﻮُه َو ُﺖْﻴِﻤُﻳ َو
َﺠْﻧَأ ،ﻪَﻟ َﻚْﻳِﺮَﺷ َﻻ ُﻩَﺪْﺣَو ُﻪﱠﻠﻟا ﱠﻻِإ َﻪَﻟِإ َﻻ
ُﻩَﺪْﻋَو َﺰ
ﻩَﺪْﺣ َو َباَﺰْﺣَﻷا َمَﺰَه َو ُﻩَﺪْﺒَﻋ َﺮَﺼَﻧ َو
Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar - laa illaaha illallahu
wahdau laa shareekalah - lahul mulku wa lahul hamdu -
yuhyee wa yumeetu wa huwa 'alaa kulli shai'in qadeer - laa
ilaaha illallahu wahdahu laa shareekalah - anjaza wa'dahu wa
nasara ' abdahu wa hazamal ahzaaba wahdahu
Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest. There is none
truly worthy of worship except Allah alone, without partner.
To Him belongs all Sovereignty and all Praise. He alone gives life and causes
death, He is Omnipotent over all things. There is none truly worthy of worship
except Allah alone, without partner. He has fulfilled His promise, and helped
His slave, and He alone has defeated the confederates.
- three times, making du’aa after first and second recitation only.
Between the walk from as-Safa to al-Marwah and al-Marwah to as-Safa,
It is permissible to recite –
مَﺮْآَﻷا ﱡﺰَﻋَﻷا َﺖْﻧَأ َﻚﱠﻧِإ ،ﻢَﺣْراَو ْﺮِﻔْﻏا ﱢبَر
Rabbighfir warham innaka antal a'azzul akram
O Lord forgive me and have mercy,
Verily You are the Mightiest and Noblest.
Complete walk from as-Safa to al-Marwah (one circuit), then al-Marwah to as-Safa
(second circuit) and continue for seven circuits, finishing at al-Marwah. Upon
encountering green lights, men only - run from one light to other light.
Upon leaving al-Masjidul-Haraam with the left foot, recite –
،ﻢﱢﻠَﺳ َو ٍﺪﱠﻤَﺤُﻣ ﻰَﻠَﻋ ﱢﻞَﺻ ﱠﻢُﻬﱠﻠﻟا
ﻀَﻓ ْﻦِﻣ َﻚُﻟَﺄْﺳَأ ﻲﱢﻧِإ ﱠﻢُﻬﱠﻠﻟا
Allahumma salli 'ala muhammadin wa sallim –
Allahumma innee 'as'aluka min fadhlika
O Allah, send prayers and peace upon Muhammad,
O Allah, verily I ask You from Your Favour.
Finally, Men: cut hair equally from all over head - best, or shave head.
Women: cut one-third finger length of hair.
Remove Ihram, as all restrictions are now lifted - and await morning of 8th of Dhul-
8th day of Dhul-Hijjah (Yawmut-Tarwiyah)
Between the time period of after Fajr until before Zhuhr:
Wearing The
Enter state of Ihram
; Make intention for Hajj, reciting -
ّﺞَﺤِﺑ ﱠﻢُﻬﱠﻠﻟا َﻚْﻴﱠﺒَﻟ
LabbaikAllahumma bi -hajjah
Here I am O Allah, (in response to Your call) making Hajj.
In fear of not completing the Hajj, recite –
ﻲِﻨَﺘْﺴَﺒَﺣ ُﺚْﻴَﺣ ْﻲﱢﻠِﺤَﻣ ﱠﻢُﻬﱠﻠﻟا
Allahumma mahillee haithu habastanee
O Allah, [If I am prevented by an obstacle then indeed]
my place is where You prevent me.
Standing, face the Qiblah and recite –
ﺔَﻌْﻤُﺳ َﻻَو ﺎَﻬْﻴِﻓ َءﺎَﻳِر َﻻ ٌﺔﱠﺠَﺣ ِﻩِﺬَه ﱠﻢُﻬﱠﻠﻟا
Allahumma haadhihi hajjah, laa riyaa'a feehaa wa laa sum'ah
O Allah, there is no showing off or seeking repute in this Hajj.
Then loudly recite the Talbiyah -
،ﻚْﻴﱠﺒَﻟ َﻚَﻟ َﻚْﻳِﺮَﺷ َﻻ َﻚْﻴﱠﺒَﻟ ،ﻚْﻴﱠﺒَﻟ ﱠﻢُﻬﱠﻠﻟا َﻚْﻴﱠﺒَﻟ
ﻚَﻟ َﻚْﻳِﺮَﺷ َﻻ ُﻚْﻠُﻤْﻟا َو َﻚَﻟ َﺔَﻤْﻌﱢﻨﻟا َو َﺪْﻤَﺤْﻟا ﱠنِإ
“Labbayk Allahumma Labbayk, Labbayk la sharika laka
Labbayk, Innal hamda wanni‘mata laka walmulk La sharika lak”
Here I am O Allah, (in response to Your call), here I am. Here I am, You have no
partner, here I am. Indeed all the Praise, Grace and Sovereignty belong to You.
You have no partner.
also from the Talbiyah, recite –
ّﻖَﺤْﻟا َﻪَﻟِإ َﻚْﻴﱠﺒَﻟ
Labbaika ilaahal haqq
Here I am O Lord of Truth.
Stay in Mina
Calmly proceed to Mina - pray Zhuhr, ‘Asr, Maghrib and ‘Ishaa
in shortened form but not combined
9th day of Dhul-Hijjah (Yawmu ‘Arafah)
Stay in ‘Arafah
Pray Fajr, then, after sunrise, calmly proceed to ‘Arafah.
It is permissible to continue to recite the Talbiyah -
،ﻚْﻴﱠﺒَﻟ َﻚَﻟ َﻚْﻳِﺮَﺷ َﻻ َﻚْﻴﱠﺒَﻟ ،ﻚْﻴﱠﺒَﻟ ﱠﻢُﻬﱠﻠﻟا َﻚْﻴﱠﺒَﻟ
ﻚَﻟ َﻚْﻳِﺮَﺷ َﻻ ُﻚْﻠُﻤْﻟا َو َﻚَﻟ َﺔَﻤْﻌﱢﻨﻟا َو َﺪْﻤَﺤْﻟا ﱠنِإ
“Labbayk Allahumma Labbayk, Labbayk la sharika laka
Labbayk, Innal hamda wanni‘mata laka walmulk
La sharika lak”
Here I am O Allah, (in response to Your call), here I am. Here I am, You have no
partner, here I am. Indeed all the Praise, Grace and Sovereignty belong to You.
You have no partner.
and also proclaim the Greatness of Allah by reciting -
ﺮَﺒْآَأ ُﻪﱠﻠﻟا
Allahu Akbar
Allah is the Greatest.
Stopover at Namirah
and remain there until after Zawaal (sun at highest point - no
shadow). Then calmly proceed to ‘Uranah
and listen to the Khutbah. At the time of
Zhuhr, pray Zhuhr and ‘Asr (in shortened form and combined), after one Adhaan
and two Iqaamah’s. Do not pray anything between these two prayers, nor pray
anything after ‘Asr. Then calmly proceed to ‘Arafah, remaining there until sunset.
Stand upon the rocks at the bottom of the Mount of Mercy (Jabalur-Rahmah); if not,
then all of ‘Arafah is a standing place. Facing the Qiblah, with raised hands,
supplicate and also recite the Talbiyah –
،ﻚْﻴﱠﺒَﻟ َﻚَﻟ َﻚْﻳِﺮَﺷ َﻻ َﻚْﻴﱠﺒَﻟ ،ﻚْﻴﱠﺒَﻟ ﱠﻢُﻬﱠﻠﻟا َﻚْﻴﱠﺒَﻟ
ﻚَﻟ َﻚْﻳِﺮَﺷ َﻻ ُﻚْﻠُﻤْﻟا َو َﻚَﻟ َﺔَﻤْﻌﱢﻨﻟا َو َﺪْﻤَﺤْﻟا ﱠنِإ
“Labbayk Allahumma Labbayk,
Labbayk la sharika laka Labbayk,
Innal hamda wanni‘mata laka walmulk La sharika lak”