We should get in the habit of remembering Allah in everything we do. In the following pages, readers will find the supplications (duas) for many different things. And who better to follow and learn from than our Holy Prophet (SAW). He (SAW) was the perfect role model because his actions and behavior were exemplary. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) always had the remembrance of Allah in thoughts, actions, and sayings. We, too, should try and emulate his (SAW) behavior by learning how to keep the remembrance of Allah in our daily lives. Between the time we get up and the time we go to sleep, there is a du'a for almost every act of our lives. During the holy month of Ramadan, let us spend time memorizing these supplications to ensure that we are constantly thanking Allah for our multitude of blessings. You can find more duas onon our website with an audio feature to help you memorize them. Go to www.islamicbulletin.org, click on “Enter Here”, then click on prayers, and select, “ Everyday Duas.” Click on the audio image next to each du'a to listen to the correct pronunciation. The best dhikr is ﷲ ﱠ إِلا َإِلَه َلا ‘La ilaha illa Allah (there is no god but Allah). (T & IM) “There are two expressions which are light on the tongue but heavy in scale and are dear to the Compassionate One (Allah). These two phrases are: ﻩ ِ ﺪ ْ ﻤ َ ﹺﺑﺤ َ ﻭ ِ ﺍﻟﻠﱠﻪ ﺎ ﹶﻥ َ ﺤ ْ ﺒ ُ ﺳ ‘Subha-nal-lahi-wa-biham-dihi,’ (Glorified be Allah and His is the Praise) ِ العَظِيْم ِ ﱠ ﷲ َسُبْحَان ‘Subha-nal-lahil Azeem.’ ( Glorified be Allah, the Most Exalted). Supplications for Day & Night ِ وَبِحَمْدِه ِﷲ َسُبْحَان ‘Subhanalah wa beehamdi he.’ (Glory be Allah and all praise is due to Him”). Would not bring on the Day of Resurrection anything better than this except one who utters these words more often.” “Any slave of Allah who says in the beginning of each day and night: ِاسْمِه َمَع ﱡ يَضُر َلا ﱠ ذِي ال ِﷲ ِبِسْم ِﱠمَاء الس فِي َوَلا ِالأَْرْض فِي ٌشَيْء ُ الْعَلِيم ُﱠمِيع الس َوَھُو “Bismillahl athee la yadhuru ma` ismuhu sha-e‘ feel ardh wa fees sama` wa who was samee’ul aleem.” (In the name of Allah, when Whose name is mentioned nothing on Earth or in Heaven can cause harm, and He is the Hearer, the Knower) three times nothing will harm him. In a narration by Abu Dawood he will not suffer sudden affliction. (AD&T). “Whoever says, َشَرِيك َلا ُوَحَدْه ُﷲ ﱠ إِلا َإِلَه َلا يُحْيِي ُالْحَمْد ُوَلَه ُالْمُلْك ُلَه لَهُ، ٍشَيْء ﱢ كُل عَلَى َوَھُو وَيُمِيتُ، ٌ قَدِير ‘La illaha illallah, wah-dahu la sharika lah, Lahulmulku wa lahul hamd, wa huwa ‘ala Kul-li shayin Qadeer’ (There is no god but Allah, alone, without any partner. The Kingdom and praise belong to Him and He has power over everything). One hundred times a day, will have a recompense equal to that of freeing ten slaves. Also, one hundred good actions are written for him, one hundred wrong actions are erased from him, and it is a protection from Satan for for that day until the night. No one does anything more excellent than someone who does more than that." (B & M) Upon Eating & Drinking “Mention the name of Allah ﱠ ﷲ ِبِسْم Bismillah, eat with your right hand, and eat from what is near to you.” And if you forget you should say, ﹺﻡ ْ ﹺﺒﺴ ﺍﻟ ﻪ ِ ﱠﻭﻟ َ ﺃ ِ ﱠﻠﻪ ِِ ِ ﺁﺨ َ ﹺﺭ ﻭ ِ ﻩ Bismillah awalu wa akhiru” (In the name of Allah in the start and the end). When breaking the fast- Iftar َرِزْقِك وَعَلَى ُصُمْت َلَك ﱢ ى اِن ﱠ ﱠھُم الل اَفْطَرْت Allahumma inni laka sumtu wa 'ala rizq-ika aftarthu O Allah! I fasted for You and I believe in You [and I put my trust in You] and I break my fast with Your sustenance The dearest words to Allah are four: ِ ﺍﷲ ﺎ ﹶﻥ َ ﺤ ْ ﺒ ُ ﺳ ‘ SubhanAllah’ (Glory be to Allah), ﷲ ُ ﺪ ْ ﻤ َ ﺍﹾﻟﺤ َ ‘Alhamdulillah’ (Praise be to Allah), ﺮ َ ﺃﹶﻛﹾﺒ ُ ﺍﷲ َ ‘ $OODKX $NEDU’ (*RG ,V 7KH *UHDWHVW), and ﷲ ﱠ إِلا َإِلَه َلا ‘/D LODKD LOODOODK’ (7KHUH LV QR JRG EXW $OODK). There is no harm for you in which order you begin (them while remembering Allah).” (M) Enjoining Dhikr After Prayers When the Prophet (S) finished his prayer, he begged forgiveness, َ ﱠ ﷲ ُأَسْتَغْفِر, َ ﱠ ﷲ ُأَسْتَغْفِر, َ ﱠ ﷲ ُأَسْتَغْفِر 'Asthegh-frrlah', Asthegh-frrlah, Asthegh-frrlah' (I seek the forgiveness of Allah) 3 times َوَمِنْك ُﱠلاَم الس َأَنْت ﱠ ﱠ ھُم الل ِالْجَلاَل ذَا يَا َتَبَارَكْت ﱠلاَمُ، الس ِ وَالإِْكْرَام 'Allahuma inta salam, wa minka asalam tebarekta yathel jelal wel ekram.' (O Allah! You are Peace, and peace comes from You. Blessed You are, O possessor of Glory and Honor). Supplication said to one who does you a favour ‘If someone does you a favour and you say: َ جَزا َك ُﱠ ﷲ خَيْرا Jazāka Allāhu Khayrāan ‘May Allah reward you with goodness.’ …then you have indeed excelled in praising him.’ When Someone Sneezes "If anyone of you sneezes, he/she should say: ِ Ϳ ُالحَمْد 'Alhamdulillah' (Praise be to Allah.) And his/her companion should say to him/her ُﱠ ﷲ َيَرْحَمُك 'Yarhamukallah' (May Allah bestow his Mercy on you.) When the latter says 'Yarhamukallah', the former should say, ُ ُيَھْدِيْكُم ﱠ بَا ﷲ ُوَيُصْلِح َ ل ْ كُم