The Islamic Bulletin Newsletter Issue No. 28

Page 21 The Islamic Bulletin Volume XXIV No. 28 Kids’ Corner Make your own TASBIH TIPS Cut long triangles out of magazines, coloured construction paper, wallpaper, etc. The base of the triangle will be the width of the bead and the longer the triangle is, the fatter the bead will become. Turn the triangle design-side down and apply a bit of glue to the pointy end. A glue stick or a tiny bit of liquid glue will do. Roll the bead starting at the wide end. Roll the triangle around itself using a dowel, toothpick, or bamboo skewer. For a symmetrical spiral, keep the triangle centered as you roll; for a more free-form look, allow the triangle to become slightly off-centered. Roll tightly, especially if you want the beads to last. Try to avoid having space between the layers. You could add beads made from strips of foil, as this will add sparkle to your Tasbih. Paint your beads with glue to make them stronger and shiny too. Experiment with different types of paper to create different types of bead effect. Sugar paper and even newspaper can be used and look great. Before you take your old magazines to the recycling can, take out some of the most colorful pages and make some beads for your very own Tasbih. Add a rectangular of paper to thicken the bead core. Draw a few parallel lines to aid alignment Cut the tip from triangles to make more of patterned or lettered paper. By Siddiqa Juma