The Islamic Bulletin Newsletter Issue No. 31

over many centuries by people in Muslim countries to brush their teeth daily. To many in the Western world it is unknown and might even sound like an outdated way to ensure good oral hygiene. Many studies have proven that miswak is even more effective in the prevention of gum disease than toothpaste. The miswak are fibrous twigs cut from the branches or roots of the Salvadora Persica or Arak tree found across the Middle East, parts of India, Sudan, southern Egypt and Chad. In areas where the Arak tree is not grown, twigs from walnut or olive trees are sometimes used. There are certain trees which cannot be used because they are poisonous. Specifically, the pomegranate and myrtle tree which are commonly found in certain areas should not be used because they are harmful. In Morocco and some parts of India the bark and branches of the Neem tree are used. Miswak should preferably not be from a tree that produces fruit or flowers and should have a bitter taste. In ancient Islamic literature we find 70 benefits to its use and scientists have not yet studied all of them. The benefits that have been studied and proven are: •Kills bacteria that cause gum disease and bleeding gums •Effective in fighting plaque •Prevents cavities in teeth •Prevents bad breath and leaves a pleasant fragrance in the mouth •The parallel bristles of the twig are more effective in cleaning between the teeth than a tooth- brush •Increases salivation which prevents dry mouth •It is an effective pain killer for toothaches •Improves the sensitivity of the taste buds •It is believed to help in the preve- ntion of mouth cancer In a study by the well known Wrig- ley Company in 2007 it was concluded that mints laced with miswak were 20 times more effec- tive in killing germs than ordinary mints. Other studies have found that if used correctly miswak is more effective than brushing with a tooth- brush. Likewise, it is more effective than using dental floss in the removal of plaque. This twig with its strong antibacterial prop- erties has always been the perfect combination of toothpaste, toothbrush and floss; 3-in 1. It contains minerals that strengthen the tooth enamel, while also containing an antibi- otic which helps suppress the growth of bacteria and the formation of plaque. Toothpaste companies mimic the natural ingredients found in the tree to create toothpaste.Miswak contains silica, trimethylamine, alkaloids and essential oils. Among others it contains potassium,sodium chloride,sodium bicarbonate and calcium. Research has shown that the regular use of miswak significantly reduces plaque, gingivitis and the growth of carcinogenic bacteria. Miswak has a three pronged effect as it is used, because it cleanses the teeth while simultaneously strengthening the gums and disinfecting at the same time. Most importantly the mouth is left odor free allowing the faithful to approach Allah the Almighty and gain His favor. Our Prophet (S) has given us a great formula for our protection against germs which helps keep our teeth healthy. Some interesting facts: •Miswak naturally contains fluoride, so its pulp is just as effective as toothpaste. •The compounds Triclosan and Chlorhexidine Gluconate are found in miswak and are both very effective oral disinfectants. Unfortunately, we would not be able to extract these at home because the concentrations in the twig are not high enough and need pharmaceutical skills. •Studies in the areas where the Salvadora Persica trees are grown have shown that the planting of the trees is helping these regions from desertification. These areas are already arid and very little else grows there and the income from these trees aids the local populations that would otherwise not have another income. In recent years many companies have latched on to the benefits of this wonderful product and also to the fact that it is completely natural. It is inexpensive; the price is less than most toothbrushes on the market and can be purchased easily at any Halal market. Even Amazon has many suppliers selling the miswak sticks online for fast delivery to your home. The modern world has caught on a few thousand years too late on the benefits of miswak. We must always remember that in combination with the use of the miswak, we should not neglect to pay regular visits to our dentist to ensure that all is well with our mouth and teeth. Inshallah let us implement this Sunnah and start using the Miswak today. 33