Everyone knows that camels have one or two humps depending on their region of origin. This consists of a mass of fat, which will provide the camel with nutrients during lean times. A camel can go for up to 6 months during the winters without water because of its hump and can lose up to 33% of its body weight in this time. Humans can survive without water for 3-5 days. A camel’s thick felted fur has two purposes. Firstly, it protects against the heat and cold. Secondly, it eliminates the loss of water from the body. The body of the camel automatically increases its temperature during the heat of the day in order to prevent perspiration. During cold nights they decrease their body temperature to 30°C. Camels can survive in temperature extremes ranging from highs of +50°C and lows of -50°C. The design of the camel’s eyelashes resembles combs that lock together in the event of danger, and not even one grain of sand can enter the eye during a sandstorm. That is why camels also have long hair around their ears and nose. A long neck ensures that the animal can reach more than 9 feet to feed on the leaves of taller trees. Some more interesting facts: · They can drink up to 35 gallons (one-third of their body weight) of water in 10 minutes. · The mucus structure in a camel’s nose allows it to moisturize the dry air as it breathes it in. · Most living creatures die when their urea levels increase, whereas, the liver of the camel continuously filters any urea produced and turns it into a source of protein and water. · One-fifth of the camel’s weight is stored in its hump as body fat. · Strong rubbery lips allow camels to even eat sharp thorns. · Their strong digestive system consists of a four-chambered stomach; they are able to eat anything, even reeds, wires, and plastics. Interestingly, camel milk contains a molecule similar to insulin and has antibodies and enzymes. People with allergies to cow’s milk can consume it without it affecting them and it also reduces cholesterol. The latest research is concentrated on the immunoglobulin found in camel milk and its cancer-fighting properties. Checklist of the benefits of camel milk: · Boosts the immune system · Helps prevent anemia · Reduces blood sugar levels and protects from diabetes · Protects from autoimmune disorders · Aids increased blood circulation · Risks for arteriosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes are lowered · Allergies are reduced · Bone development increases · Stimulates all the organ systems and growth There is no living creature on earth that can execute this type of perfection on its own. The “ship of the desert” has a composition of many intricate systems that help it to survive. The chemistry and engineering of the camel was created by the One and Only Allah, and offered to the service of mankind. Mankind, however, has the responsibility to acknowledge this together with all of our Creator’s miracles across the earth and the universe as Allah has asked us to do. “Do ye not see that Allah has subjected to your (use) all things in the heavens and on earth, and has made His bounties flow to you in exceeding measures, (both) seen and unseen? Yet there are among men those who dispute about Allah, without knowledge and without guidance, and without a Book to enlighten them! ” (Surah Luqman, Ayah 20)