Page 37 - Your relationship with Allah

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Relationship with the World Around You
Your success in all relationship requires you to be ever mindful of your speech, of your thoughts, of
your actions and your intentions. Successful Relationships require that you pay close attention that
nurture your ability to be more compassionate and that you stay calm. Mindfulness helps you be
aware of the patterns that help you connect to yourself and to others in your world….and, the world
at large.
When it comes to relationships, we all want someone to respect us and for whom we have respect,
too. If you can’t understand and appreciate your husband/children/parents’ work, interests, opinions,
morals (of course, you don’t have to necessarily agree with them) and they don’t yours, then it may
not go well down the line. Successful relationship requires a bit of give and take. The willingness to
compromise on various aspects of a relationship is vital. Ask yourself how good are you at
To "surrender or compromise" doesn't mean to give up; it means letting go of what is unnecessary or
keeping you back. It means giving the situation to a higher power and trusting that the world will give
you strength and joy in return.
Relationships don't have to be a battle where one wins and one loses. When both parties surrender
their defense and attack, they make room for peace and forgiveness.
You can change the world by just being present in a meaningful way to all those around you. Being an
obedient slave of Allah, a loving wife, mother, daughter, friend, or co-worker bears much fruit in your
There are four keys to happiness:
Be kind to everybody
Being compassionate
Be joy and offer joy
Do not discriminate about the recipient of your kindness, compassion and joy.
Understand how you connect with others, and try to explore patterns and behaviors that create
roadblocks to your life's goal.