Page 57 - Ar-Raheeq Al-Makhtum

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The Messenger of Allâh (Peace be upon him) left his confinement and went on preaching his Faith as
usual. Quraish, likewise, repealed the boycott but went on in their atrocities and oppression on the
Muslims. Abu Talib, the octogenarian notable, was still keen on shielding his nephew but by that
time, and on account of the series of tremendous events and continual pains, he began to develop
certain fits of weakness. No sooner had he emerged victorious from the inhuman boycott, than he
was caught in a persistent illness and physical enervation. The polytheists of Makkah, seeing this
serious situation and fearing that the stain of infamy that the other Arabs could attribute to them in
case they took any aggressive action against the Prophet (Peace be upon him) after he had lost his
main support, Abu Talib, took a decision to negotiate with the Prophet (Peace be upon him) once
more and submit some concessions withheld previously. They then delegated some representatives
to see Abu Talib and discuss the issue with him. Ibn Ishaq and others related: “When a serious
illness caught Abu Talib, the people of Quraish began to deliberate onthe situation and reviewed the
main features that characterized that period and which included the conversion of ‘Umar and
Hamzah to Islam, coupled with the tremendous stir that Muhammad (Peace be upon him) had
created amongst all the tribes of Quraish. They then deemed it imperative to see Abu Talib before
he died to pressure his nephew to negotiate a compromise on the various disputed points. They
were afraid that the other Arabs might attribute to them the charge of opportunism.”
The delegation of Quraish comprised 25 men including notables like ‘Utbah bin Rabi‘a, Shaibah bin
Rabi‘a, Abu Jahl bin Hisham, Omaiyah bin Khalaf, Abu Sufyan bin Harb. They first paid tribute to him
and confirmed their high esteem of his person and position among them. They then shifted to the
newgive-and-take policy that they claimed they wanted to follow. To substantiate their argument
they alleged that they would refrain from intervening in his religion if he did the same.
Abu Talib summoned his nephew and apprised him of the minutes of his meeting with them, and
said: “Well, my nephew, here are the celebrities of your people. They have proposed this meeting to
submit a policy of mutual concessions and peaceful coexistence.” The Messenger of Allâh (Peace be
upon him) turned to them saying:
“I will guide you to the means by which you will gain sovereignty over both the Arabs and
In another version, the Prophet (Peace be upon him) addressed Abu Talib in the following words: “O
uncle! Why don’t you call them unto something better?” Abu Talib asked him, “What is it that you
invite them to?” The Prophet (Peace be upon him) replied, “I invite them to hold fast to a Message
that is bound to give them access to kingship over the Arabs and non-Arabs.” According to Ibn
Ishaq’s version, “It is just one word that will give you supremacy over the Arabs and non-Arabs.”
The Makkan deputies were taken by incredible surprise and began to wonder what sort of word was
that which would benefit them to that extent. Abu Jahl asked, “What is that word? I swear by your
father that we will surely grant you your wish followed by ten times as much.” He said, “I want you
to testify that there is no god worthy to be worshipped but Allâh, and then divest yourselves of any
sort of worship you h arbour for any deities other than Allâh.” They immediately clapped their hands
in ridicule, and said “How can you expect us to combine all the deities in one God. It is really
something incredible.” On their way out leaving, they said to one another, “By god this man
[Muhammad (Peace be upon him)] will never relent, nor will he offer any concessions. Let us hold
fast to the religion of our forefathers, and Allâ h will in due course adjudicate and settle the dispute
between us and him.” As regards this incident, Allâh revealed the following verses:
Sâd: [These letters (Sâd, etc.) are one of the miracles of the Qur’ân and none but Allâh
(Alone) knows their meanings]. By the Qur’ân full of reminding. Nay, those who disbelieve
are in false pride and Apposition. How many a generation We have destroyed before them,
and they cried out when there was no longer time for escape! And they (Arab pagans) wonder
that a warner [Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him)] has come to them from among
themselves! And the disbelievers say, ‘This [Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) ] is a
sorcerer, a liar. Has he made the gods (all) into One God (Allâh). Verily, this is a curious
thing!’ And the leaders among them went about (saying): ‘Go on, and remain constant to
your gods! Verily, this is a thing designed (against you)! We have not heard (the like) of this
among the people of these later days. This is nothing but an invention.’
” [38:1-7]
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