Page 107 - Taleemul Haq New Edition

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'Alahumma ajirnee minannar'
seven times.
(O Allah, protect me from Hell.)
If you say that and die that night, protection from it would be recorded for you. And
when you finish the dawn prayer (Fajr), say:
نم رانلا
'Alahumma ajirnee minannar.'
seven times.
(O Allah, protect me from Hell.)
If you die that day, you are granted protection from it." (Ad)
Upon Leaving The House
Upon leaving the house the Prophet (S) recited,
ﷲ ىلع تلكوت ﷲ مسب
وأ ملظَ
ا وأ لز ُ
ا وأ لز َ
ا وأ لضُ
ا وا لضَ
ا نا كب ذوعا ينا مھللا
هيلع لھجُ
ي وأ لھجَ
ا وأ ملظ ُ
'Bismillah tawakaltu 'alallah, Allahumma inni audhu bika an adilla au udalla au
azilla au uzalla au azlima au-uzlama au aj-hala au yuj-hala 'alayya.'
(In the name of Allah. I repose my trust in Allah, and there is neither power nor any
might except with Allah. O Allah, I seek refuge with You from leading others astray,
causing others to slip or being caused to slip by others, doing wrong or being wronged
by others, or behaving foolishly or being treated foolishly by others). (Ah&T&Ns)
Supplications for Day & Night
The most superior way of asking for forgiveness from Allah is to recite:
كدعوو كدھع ىلع انأو كدبع انأو ينتقلخ تنأ لاا هلأ لا يبر تنأ مھللا
كتمعنب كل ءوبأ تعنص ام رش نم كب ذوعأ
لا هناف يل رفغاف يبنذب ءوب أو ىلع
تنأ لاا بونذلارفغي
Alahumma anta rebi la ilaha ila ant, khalacktanee, waana abduk, wa ana ala
ahdick wa wahdick mstata-ht, authu bika min shree ma sana-ht, aboouh laka bi
ni'mateeka aley, wa aboouh bi thenbee faghfirlee fa inawho la yeghfr