Page 111 - Taleemul Haq New Edition

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Allah's Messenger (S) said: "The screen between the eyes of Jinn and the private parts
of the sons of Adam as one takes off his clothes is saying,
مسب ﷲ
(In the name of Allah)." (T)
Upon Entering The House
Upon entering the house, the Prophet (S) recited:
ملا ريخ كلأسا ينا
جرخملا ريخو جلو
انجلو ﷲ مساب
انجرخ ﷲ مسبو
انلكوت ﷲ
'Alahumma inni assaluka kheryil mawlij wakheryil makh'ridge, Bismillah
walijna, wa Bismillah kharajna, wa alalah rabana tawakalna.'
(O Allah! I ask you for good both when entering and when going out. In the name of
Allah we have entered, and in the name of Allah we have gone out, and in our Lord we
count.) (Abu Dawood)
He should then greet his family:
'Asalamu Aleikum.'
(Peace be with you.)
Before Entering The Restroom
When Allah's Messenger (S) entered the restroom, he used to say:
ﷲ مسب
ثبخلا نم كب ذوعا ينا مھللا
'Bismillah. Allahuma innee a'oothu bika minal khubthi wal Khabaa'ith.'
(O Allah, I seek refuge in You from unclean spirits, (male and female devils). (B&M)
After Leaving The Restroom