Page 114 - Taleemul Haq New Edition

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'La ilaha illa-llahul Atheem-ul Halim, La ila-ha il-la-la-hu Rabbul 'arshil theem,
La ila-ha il-lalla-hu Rabbu Samawate wa rab-bul ardhe wa rab-bul arshil
(There is no god but Allah, the Great, the Tolerant. There is no god but Allah, the Lord of
the Magnificent Throne. There is no god but Allah, the Lord of the Heaven and the Earth,
the Lord of the Edifying Throne). (B&M)
مويق اي يحاي
'Ya Hayu Ya Qayoum Birahmetika Astegheeth.'
(Oh Lord, The Living and Self-Subsisting I call on Your mercy). (T)
Upon Fearing Someone
نم كب ذوعنو مھروحن يف كلعجن انا مھل
'Allahumma inna naj'aluka fee nuhoorihim wa na'udhu bika min shuroorihim.'
(Oh Allah, we ask You to restrain them by their necks and we seek refuge in You from
their evil.) (AD&Ns)
Upon Finding Something Difficult
لاھس هتلعج ام لاا لھس لا مھللا
ش اذا نزحلا لعجت تناو
لاھس تئ
'Allaahuma lasahla illa maja'altawho sahla wa anta tej'aloo alhazna sahla.'
(Oh Allah, nothing is easy except what You make easy; and You can make the difficult
easy.) (Ibn Alsanni)
To Protect Oneself
"If Allah bestows favors over his slave, whether on his family, children, or property and
he says,
ةوق لا ﷲ ءاش
لاا Ϳاب
'Masha Allah la qwata ila billah.'
(What Allah has willed there is no might except with Allah.)