Page 115 - Taleemul Haq New Edition

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nothing should overcome him." (Ibn Alsanni)
Protection For Children
ةماتلا ﷲ تاملكب امك ذيعا
ةماھو ناطيش لك
ةملا نيع لك نمو
'Audhukuma bi kalamatillahi tamah min kulli shaitaneen wa hamatin wa min
kulli ainin lamatin.'
(I seek protection for you with Allah's perfect words from every Satan and crawling
creature and from every evil, harmful, and envious evil eye.)
He (S) also added: 'Your forefather (i.e. Ibrahim) used to seek protection with Allah for
Isma'il and Isaac with these same words.' (B)
Supplications and Visiting the Sick
He (S) used to treat some of his family members by passing his right hand over the
place of ailment and saying,
سأبلا بھذا سانلا بر مھللا
يفاشلا تنا فشاو
ءافش كؤافش لاا ءافش لا
امقس رداغي
'Allahumma Rabbin nas adhabal ba'sa, ashfi wa anta shafee, la shifa' illa
shifa'uka shifa' la yughadiru saqma.'
(O Allah, the Sustainer of mankind! Remove the illness and heal the patient, for You are
the healer. No healing is of any avail but Yours; healing that will leave behind no
illness.) (B&M)
When Someone Sneezes
"If anyone of you sneezes, he should say:
(Praise be to Allah.)
And his (Muslim) brother or companion should say to him: