Page 22 - Issue 23

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The Islamic Bulletin
Volume X No. 23
Page 22
“HUQOOQUL-ISLAM” By Ashraf Ali Thanwi (
Rahimu Allah)
The general rights to be observed mutually among all Muslims are enlisted:
Forgive the mistakes of another Muslim.
Show sympathy over his grief.
Hide his faults.
Accept his excuse.
Remove his difficulty.
Always wish for his well-being.
Safeguard his love.
Have respect for his pacts.
Visit him when he is ill.
Attend his funeral.
Accept his invitation.
Accept his gifts.
Repay his kindness.
Thank him for his favours.
Help him in his time of need.
Protect his wife and children.
Fulfill his needs.
Listen to his requests.
Accept his intercession.
Do not make him despondent in his ambitions.
(May Allah bestow his Mercy on you.)upon
him saying
(Praise be to Allah) after sneezing.
Return his lost property.
Reply his greeting (Salaam).
Speak to him kindly and courteously.
Treat him kindly.
If one Muslim takes an oath on the strength of the other,
it should be honoured by the other.
Help him when he is oppressed, and stop him when he
oppresses others.
Be his friend, not his enemy.
Do not disgrace him.
Love for him what you love for yourself.
Greet him (with salaam) when meeting him.
Never break off ties for more than 3 days if an argument arises.
Do not be suspicious of him.
Do not be jealous of him nor bear enmity towards him.
Where possible observe
amar bil ma’roof
nahi anil munkar
(to command good and prohibit evil) towards the next Muslim.
Have mercy on the little ones and respect the elders.
Create peace between 2 Muslims whom have had an argument.
Do not backbite another Muslim.
Do not cause harm to his body, wealth or honour.
Help him mount his animal or load his goods on to it when he
is unable to do so.
Do not ask him to leave and then take his place.
Two people should not speak in whispers while a third is in their
Prophet (saw), but it is also solid proof of the weakness of someone’s
Iman. This negative aspect revolves around a person’s shamefulness
or shyness of doing something that Allah (SWT) has ordered us to do
through the Qur’an or our Prophet’s (saw) Sunnah. This constitutes
the shamefulness or embarrassment of doing a lawful act or
something that is ordered upon us from Allah (SWT). This means that
someone does not follow an obligation of Islam due to the fact of
being shy in front of others about it. This is totally forbidden because
then one is giving the people of this dunya more respect than the
One who Created this whole universe. An example of this type of
bad haya is to neglect making one’s prayer in a public place due to
being embarrassed in front of others. Another example would be that
many sisters feel embarrassed to wear hijab for fear of being laughed
at or made fun of. If someone really had haya they would never
contradict ANYTHING that Allah (SWT) has ordained upon us even if
they found it a test and a trial.
Modesty (haya) and maintaining one’s honor and dignity are of
primary importance in preserving the moral fiber of any society. This
is why modesty has been called the ornament of a woman, which
protects her from many sins and which prevents ill-intentioned men
from daring to have bad thoughts about her. This haya has been
made a part of her nature to safeguard her from being abused by
immoral men.
Haya is a special characteristic of a Mu’min (believing, practicing
Muslim). Haya and Iman are interdependent; therefore either they
both exist together or they both perish. The Prophet (saw) has said in
one hadith, “When there is no haya left, then do as you please.”
There are many wonderful benefits of haya. First, Allah (SWT) loves
haya. We know this by the following hadith: “Surely Allah (is One
who) has haya and is the Protector. He loves haya and people who
cover each other’s faults.”(Bukhari)
Secondly, haya itself is a greatness of Islam as our Prophet (saw)
indicated: “Every way of life has a innate character. The character of
Islam is haya.” Or “Every deen has an innate character. The
character of Islam is modesty (haya).” (Abu Dawood)
Third, haya only brings good and nothing else. Our Prophet (saw)
said: “Haya does not bring anything except good.” (Bukhari)
Fourth, Haya is a very clear indication of our Iman. As the Prophet
(saw) had mentioned to the Ansar who was condemning his brother
about being shy: “Leave him, for Haya is (a part) of Faith.” (Bukhari)
Last, Haya leads us to PARADISE. As the Prophet (saw) told us: “Haya
comes from Iman; Iman leads to Paradise. Obscenity comes from
antipathy; and antipathy leads to the fire.” (Bukhari)
As mentioned before, since the actual word Haya is derived from
Hayat, which means life, it is only obvious that when someone has
Haya in them, they will live a life of Islam. On the other hand if they
do not have Haya they are living a life that is dead “Islamically”, but
alive according to this dunya.
The Prophet (saw) said:
“Haya and trustworthiness will be the first
to go from this world; therefore keep asking Allah for them.”