that it is compulsory to circumcise and not accept Paul’s
teaching. Jesus states in the Bible that a man who is not
circumcised is like a dog!
The Holy Qur’an warns in Surah 5:73& 74: “They do blaspheme
who say, Allah is Christ the son of Mary. But said Christ: O’
Children of Israel! Worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord.
Whoever joins other gods with Allah- Allah will forbid him the
garden, (i.e. paradise) and the fire will be his abode. There will
for the wrong doers, be no one to help”.
“Surely they are disbelievers, those who say: Allah is one of the
three in a Trinity: But there is none who has the right to be
worshiped but one God (i.e. Allah). And if they cease not from
what they say, verily a painful torment will befall the
disbelievers among them”.
Now do you still believe in the Trinity, which was never taught
by Jesus?
. You have given me a lot of things to think about with this last
reply! But God and Jesus are one
(John 14:11):
“Believe me that I
am in the Father, and the Father in me.”
. Read then John 17:21.
“That they (the disciples) all art in one; as thou, Father, art in
me, and I in thee, that they may also be art in one...”
. It is clear here that God and Jesus are one, but also that the
disciples are one in Jesus and God. If Jesus is God because he is
God, why are the
disciples then not God, as they all are like
Jesus also
God? If God, Jesus and the Holy Ghost form one
unit of Trinity, then with the disciples included they should form
a God unit of fifteen. You see if one reads the context in which