Jacob on his way to Padan-aram saw a vision and built
the next morning a pillar of stone, which he called Beth-
the House of the Lord. (
Genesis 28:18-19
later the same Prophet, Jacob, was ordered by
Allah to go to Beth-El (
Genesis 35:4,14,15
). Jacob removed
all the strange idol gods and graven images prior to
going there. Centuries later Prophet Muhammed (pbuh)
also destroyed all 360 idols in and around the sacred
stone (“Ka’bah”) in Makkah.
Another pillar was built by Jacob and his father-in-law
Laban (
Genesis 31:45-49
) “And Jacob took a stone, and set
it up for a pillar. And Jacob said unto his brethren, gather
stones, and they took stones, and made a heap; and they
did eat there upon the heap. And Laban called it “Jegar-
sahadutha,” but Jacob called it “Galeed”.... And
“Mizpah” for he said, The Lord watch between me and
Jephthah and Ammon had a war against each other.
Jephthah swore to the Lord in Mizpeh of Galeed to
sacrifice his only daughter if he won. He did win, and
burnt his daughter there alive as an offering to the Lord.
Judges. 11: 29-39.
400,000 swordsmen from the eleven tribes of Israel swore
before the Lord in Mizpeh to exterminate the tribes of
Benjamin. (
Judges 20 and 21).
The children of Israel under Samuel swore in Mizpeh to
destroy their idols if they won against the Philistines (
Samuel 7).