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shalt in any wise bury him that day; (for he that is hanged is

accursed of God) that thy land be not defiled which the Lord thy

God giveth thee for an inheritance.”

To believe in his death on the cross is to discredit his

prophethood. The Jews maintained to have killed Jesus on the

cross and consequently portrayed him to be false in his claim to

prophethood. The Church has imposed the doctrine of

crucifixion on the Christians because of Paul, and says it is

necessary for their redemption of sin, and consequently has to

accept the accursedness of Jesus, too. But as stated before by

Jesus: “The son shall not bear the inequity of the father, and

neither the father shall bear the inequity of the son”; and said

further “that they worship him uselessly believing the false

doctrines made by men.”

This doctrine opposes the Bible’s teaching in

Hosea 6:v6:

For I

desired mercy and not sacrifice

, and the knowledge of God

more than

burnt-offerings.” It also opposes Jesus’ own teaching


Matthew 9:13


“But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will

have mercy, and not sacrifice...

” Again Jesus said (



) “

But if ye had known what this meaneth, I will have

mercy, and not sacrifice, ye would not, have condemned the

guiltless.” Can you see? Jesus said twice that he would have

“mercy” from God. The Church’s Doctrine or teaching is

condemning Jesus, an innocent prophet to an accursed death

on Paul’s words without any proof whatsoever.


Christians believe that Jesus was guiltless, was he not? Use your

intelligence to ponder on the words of Jesus (pbuh).


Of course Jesus was guiltless! But why does the Church force

us to believe in the resurrection then?