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The Islamic Bulletin

Issue 10

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The Islamic Bulletin

Issue 10

In 1992, Jacques got married to De Jahnee Jackson and had a son

named, Jacques Baston, Jr. Being married to De Jahnee and being

a father to his son were some of the high points in Jacques life.

He used to discuss Islam with his wife and explain to her how he

believed it was the right religion. Jacques had never believed in

the trinity and said that he did not want his children growing up

believing in it.

Even though he started reading and praying at the mosque, he did

not enter into the fold of Islam as he said he had to be perfect and

give up selling. He continued, however, to come for the Jumha

(Friday prayers).

On Friday January 8, 1993, Jacques came to the mosque in Oakland,

performed the Jumha prayers and left to see some of his friends.

After Jumha, Tashiri went to visit Jacques. With Jacques were three

friends. Tashiri started speaking about the Akhira (after-life). He

started telling the four men that if anybody does bad things in this

life, eventually he must face Allah alone on the Day of Judgment.

Tashiri also explained that Muslims believe in Predestination-that

their time of death was already known. And, that they could leave

the building that same day and be killed or die in a car accident.

After a moving talk that touched their hearts, Jacques’ three friends

were ready to embrace Islam. They declared their faith in the “One

God, (Allah) and that Muhammad (PBUH) is the Messenger of God.”

The three also chose their Muslim names--Terry chose the name Ali,

Eric chose Hassan and Rodney chose Hakim. Then his friends asked

Jacques what was holding him from accepting Islam. He responded

that he was ready. Because Jacques was always smiling, the name

S’aid (happy) was appropriate. So Jaques became S’aid Mohammed.

The next day Said was killed in Richmond, California. Thanks to

God, he was guided to the true religion of Islam.

Tashiri went to S’aid’s family’s house and explained to the family

that since Jacques had accepted Islam, he would now need to be

buried Islamically. They agreed to the Islamic burial because they

were accustomed to hearing about Islam from Jacques. The family

only wanted to make a viewing of the body for family and friends.

The Islamic funeral ceremony was arranged where S’aid Moham-

med was washed and wrapped in cloth. His body was viewed by his

family and friends at Fuller Funeral home in Oakland. No music nor

touching of the body was allowed. Three hundred people came to

the funeral home, mostly non-Muslims, including major drug dealers

dressed in suits and silk shirts. Brother Tashiri opened the talk with

Surah (verse) Al’Fatiha (Qur’an Surah 1). Surah Yasin (Qur’an Surah

36) was then recited. Imam Abdulmalik followed with a talk and

the ceremony was closed with Surah Al’Asr:

“By the time, Verily Man is in loss, except such as have Faith, and

do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the mutual enjoining

of Truth, and of Patience and Constancy.” (Qur’an Surah 103)

A few of S’aid’s Muslim friends, who were dressed in Islamic

clothing, were surrounded by police cars while they were going

to the Islamic cemetery. They were taken to the police station

for questioning. The funeral procession proceeded to the grave

site. The Imam then started the Janaza (funeral) prayer as the

Muslims were forming a straight line and were joined by the other

non-Muslims and a priest who were repeating “Allah Hu Akbar”!!

S’aid was carried from the casket and lowered into the grave and

placed on his right side facing Qiblah (Mecca).

May Allah have mercy on his soul.

Editor’s Comment: The Hadith quoted at the beginning shows

how a man behaves like the people of the Hell-fire and is an

arm’s length between him and it; and that which has been

written overtakes him and so he behaves like the people

of Paradise and thus enters it. Inshallah we must all take a

good look at the lifestyles we are leading. None of us have

any guarantee that Paradise awaits for us. Now is the time,

especially during Ramadan, to repent to Allah and begin to

lead true Islamic lifestyles, Inshallah!








Colombo - A group of 10 Bay Area Muslims visited Sri Lanka for the

purpose of dahwa work. Sri Lanka is a country consisting of 16 mil-

lion people, of which 10% are Muslim, 65% Buddhist, 20% Hindu,

and 5% Christian. Tradition has it that Prophet Adam’s (AS) footstep

is imprinted on an area which is now covered by a mountain. The

mountain, named Mount Adam, is in the city of Halton and is said

to cover the footstep of Prophet Adam (AS).

Sri Lanka has approximately 2,000 mosques. In small villages, 100%

of the Muslims attend the five daily prayers at the local mosques. In

larger cities, the Masjids are filled to 60% capacity at every prayer.

The Muslims in Sri Lanka are very active and devoted to the Islam-

ic cause. Although the government is not a Muslim government,

Muslims are well represented. There is one speaker in Parliament,

one Trade Minister, and one in Ministry of Religion and Culture.

There are even official government holidays celebrating the Eid

of Ramadan, the Hajj and Prophet Muhammad’s (pbuh) birthday.

The first masjid in Sri Lanka, in the city of Beruwala, was built by

Yemeni merchants. There are now many Islamic centers throughout

the country. In the larger Islamic centers, 5,000 Muslims attend their

weekly program; in the smaller centers, there is an attendance rate

of 2,000 Muslims for their weekly programs. In 1983, there was

a huge Ijtimah (Islamic meeting) in which 90% of the Muslims in

Sri Lanka attended. This huge success rate was due to the fact that

every Muslim family was personally invited. There was a group of

Muslims who went house to house visiting the Muslim families and

inviting them to attend the Ijtimah.

Sri Lanka also houses many Islamic schools. The #1 rated Islamic

school in Sri Lanka, named Zahira, is in the city of Colombo. There

is even an all-girl Muslim school, ILMA International, in Colombo.

More Islamic schools are opening up to fill the demand in the in-

crease of Muslim students.

The S.F. Brothers had a very productive trip and the time spent

in Sri Lanka was extremely beneficial. They felt accepted and the

hospitality extended to them was very gracious. The Muslims in Sri

Lanka are more than willing to extend their arms to foreign jamaats.

While in Sri Lanka, the S.F. Brothers had two Buddhist converts to

Islam. Due to the visit of the S.F. Brothers in Sri Lanka, we now have

9 Brothers from Sri Lanka visiting the Bay Area.

Many of our readers will remember Noor Cassim, the gentleman

who was portrayed in the June 1991 issue of the Islamic Bulletin,

WHY I EMBRACED ISLAM? Noor Cassim, who is from Sri Lanka,

was a priest named Father Anthony Perera O.M.I. (Order of Mary

Immaculate), before accepting Islam. Brother Noor Cassim is vis-

iting the Bay Area Masjids at the present time; in fact, while this

issue is being written. May Allah bless Brother Cassim and the rest

of the Sri Lanka Jamaat who are traveling with him and spreading

the word of Allah.


ummary of












A continuation from previous article

A South African Jamaat (SAJ) of four brothers left from Nizamudin,

India to the former USSR. They took with them Qurans, Islamic

literature, and other items such as dates, topis, and miswasks to

be given as presents. Religious freedom had been restored to the

people about three years ago. The prior 73 years, all Masjids and

Madressas were closed or used for non-religious purposes. Learning

and teaching of Quran and Islam were banned; but the spark of

Iman (faith) was kept alive by practicing Islam secretly in homes or

underground tunnels at the risk of death or imprisonment. Thou-

sands of ulema (scholars) were massacred during the beginning of

the century and thereafter those that were caught teaching religion

were sent to labor camps. Islam still managed to survive.

The SAJ went to the former USSR to help further the revitalization of

Islam. The first city the SAJ went to was Tashkent. It is the 4th largest

city of the former U.S.S.R. and the capital of Uzbekistan Republic.

At the Tashkent Airport, they were met by two Muslim brothers.

They went directly to the masjid in the heart of old Tashkent city.

The masjid is very active and there were nearly 200 people for Fajr

Salat. Before its reopening, it was used as a government storeroom

and in latter days as a hotel and bar. Most masjids are very large,

with spacious courtyards, plenty of rooms, and central heating. The

masjids are a good indication of the past days of Islam.

The people were very humble, kind, and soft spoken. Visitors were

held in very high esteem. In the masjid, the SAJ was given a place in

the first Saff (row). Azaan is respected very greatly and is performed

over a microphone in all the masjids. No one talks or walks around

during Azaan. These people are lovers of the Quran and the SAJ

ran short of copies to distribute.

It is a custom there for people to gather for any ceremony like an

Akikah, Walimah, etc. This was also one of the ways Deen was kept

alive. All types of fruit, sweet meats, soups, and shish kebabs were

offered. The SAJ went to several of these gatherings at which the

Quran was read, Bayaan (talk) was given and the work of Dahwa

(invitation) was explained.

The next day the SAJ flew to Kokand. They were met at the airport

by Sheikh Noaman and representatives of Mr. Yakubou Yusufjan, the

mayor and an oil mill director. In Kokand there are about 180,000

Muslims of a total population of 200,000.

From Kokand the SAJ went to Margillan. There are 200 Masjids

there of which 46 are opened. Jumha Salat takes place in 8 Masjids.

There they met Sheikh Sabir who asked them to give the Bayaan

at the masjid. About 400 people sat for the Bayaan. The work of

Dahwa was explained in detail. After Asr he took them to another

masjid and asked them to give a Bayaan after Maghrib. The masjid

was filled to capacity.

Two programs were arranged for the SAJ in both the high and prima-

ry schools. As they entered the school’s hall, all the students stood

and recited Kalima Tayyiba: La-ilaha illallah Mohammed Rasullallah.

This made the Sheikh and the SAJ cry. The Sheikh told the students

how fortunate they were that in their youth, religious freedom has

been granted to the country. The SAJ spoke on the Omnipotence

of Allah, life after death, Jannah (paradise), and even established

local volunteers in the masjid.

After Asr the SAJ took a few brothers with them to the Taron Ba-

zaar Masjid in the City Center for Maghrib. There the etiquette of

inviting was explained. Four jammats of seven brothers were made.

However when they went out, more brothers insisted on joining.

Some jamaats had up to twenty brothers. The people listened very

attentively. When they left the Taron Bazaar Masjid, “Riyad Al Sali-

heen” was given to the Imam to be read daily after salat.

The next morning the SAJ left for Fargana. From Fargana, they went

to Andizaan, the birthplace of Sultan Baber, founder of Mogul

Empire of India. The Jumha Masjid they went to was very large.

There were approximately 7000 people who prayed Jumha Salat

there. The SAJ gave the Khutba (Friday talk) in Arabic. There were

10 Jumha Masjids and about 700 small masjids. Youngsters there

were very keen, and enjoyed listening to the SAJ.

From Fargana the SAJ went to the border of the Republic of Kirgizia,

which is divided from China by a mountain range. Local people say

the Sahaba (Companions of the Prophet) (RA) crossed this mountain

range and entered China. A local brother had organized the day’s

program for the SAJ. Hundreds of people attended. Their desire for

religion after 73 years of isolation made the jamaat’s Iman (faith)

strong. The next morning they took a 10 hour train ride back to

Tashkent. Back in Tashkent, the SAJ slept in the masjid of Qari Abid

Jaan. They were amazed to see about 15 youngsters learning the

Quran until 11 pm at night. These youngsters loved to wear Islamic

attire, which unfortunately was not readily available.

The SAJ concluded their trip by returning to Tashkent and visiting

Idana-Diniya. A Quran from the time of Hazrat Osman (RA), which

is written on leather, is there. The Quran had been taken away by

the government and returned only three years ago.

The SAJ reported that many masjids have now opened. In addition,

six Islamic schools have been established. In many towns Hafiz and

Quran classes have started. For many years, jamaats from India,

Pakistan, Bangladesh, and the UK have been working and their

fruits could be seen. The SAJ encourages other jamaats to travel to

the former USSR.







San Francisco, California - Recently, representatives of the Islamic

Center were invited to speak at a Group Home for Children which

is run by the City and County of San Francisco. The Home had

two teen-age Muslim boys in residence and the staff wanted more

information about Islam so that they could better understand the

needs of their wards. After giving the staff a brief talk on Islam, the

Islamic Center brothers also met briefly with the two young men.

One was from Yemen, the other from Afghanistan. They were both

very interested in attending prayers at the Masjid and arrangements

where made to accommodate them. Islamic literature was left for

the staff and the boys. The boys also asked for copies of the Holy

Quran, which were given to them.

This visit was very moving and points out the variety of work which

the Islamic community has to do to attend to the spiritual needs of

Muslims in all levels of society. There is a growing need for volun-

teers to work with the Muslim youth as they try to make the very

difficult adjustment of integrating into mainstream America with its

very un-Islamic values. In addition to homeless or troubled Muslim

youths, another growing problem is runaway teen-age girls who are

rejecting traditional Islamic family values in favor of the decadent

western ways. We need to identify resources in the Social services

community which may be sympathetic and supportive of objectives

to help our Muslim youth, males and females, protect their Islamic

beliefs and values. This is particularly urgent for those youth that

are receiving public assistance in any form, such as foster home

care, as was the case here.

If you are interested in working with Muslim youth, or if you know

of social work resources which might be able to help, please contact

us at 415-552-8831.