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The Islamic Bulletin
Issue 18
& M
Black Seeds ... the Islamic Cure
t is narrated by hadith that the Holy Prophet (pbuh) said: “Use
the black seed because it has a relief of all diseases, but death.”
Black seed (Nigella Seed) has a tasty aroma and contains phos-
phate, iron, phosphorate, carbohydrate, oil 28%. It contains
anti-virus bacteria, carotene, anti-cancer fighting material, and
hormones which give strength and activity.
FDA Approved Black Seed Oil
In the spring of 1996 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) granted a patent for drug use as an immune system stim-
ulant. The drug is based on extracts of “Nigella Sativa,” more
commonly known as the black seed to Muslims or black cumin.
The patent was based on “a pharmaceutical composition con-
taining an extract of the plant Nigella sativa... for treated cancer,
preventing the side effects of anticancer chemotherapy, and for
increasing the immune functions in humans.”
Muslims have been using and promoting the use of the “black
seed” or “al-habbatus-sawdaa” for hundreds of years. It has be-
come very popular in recent years and is sold by many Muslim
and non-Muslim businesses.
A large part of this herbal preparation’s popularity is based on
the teachings of the Prophet (pbuh).
The Prophet (pbuh) said, “There is healing in the black seed for
all diseases except death.”
However, many products that are presently sold as “black
seed” may be black cumin, black caraway, or even coriander.
As-Suyuti’s Medicine of The Prophet (pbuh) has black seed listed
as coriander seeds, with arguments presented for black cumin,
terebinth, and even mustard. However, research seems to favor
“black cumin” or Nigella sativa as the black seed. Black cumin
may be referred to as nutmeg flower or roman coriander, and
even fennel flower by gardeners.
Black cumin has been used for a variety of medical problems
for several thousand years. They range from stomach aches to
asthma, cancer to coughs, and the traditional use as a spice.
Black cumin is also used as: a carminative (rids the body of gas from
the intestines), a digestive (aids in digestion), a diuretic (increases
urine flow by ridding the body of excess water), an emmenagogue
(promotes/regulates menstruation), a galactagogue (increases pro-
duction of milk), a resolvent (dissolves boils & swelling), a stimulant
(increases the flow of adrenaline and energy), a stomachic (relieves
stomach disorders), a sudorific (increases perspiration), a tonic
(improves bodily functions), and a vermifuge (expels worms).
Caution should be taken when using the black seed to ensure that
you are taking the black seed look for the words Nigella sativa.
Only this plant, as opposed to true cumin or coriander has the
ability to “heal all diseases”.
Research suggests that the black seed is an effective anti-tumor
treatment for certain types of cancer, including breast cancer and
fibrocystic breast disease. The black seed may also be of possible
benefit in treating high blood pressure.
Except its potential to cause spontaneous abortions (and only in
high doses), there may be little, if any, toxic side effects to using
it. There is even some research on the possible contraceptive
abilities of the black seed. More research is being done on its
effectiveness and research trials are also being planned in various
countries to study its actual effects on humans.
However, the Prophet’s (pbuh) words tell us there is healing in
this plant. However, there is more to be learned regarding the
appropriate doses for various medical problems.
Following are some of the common ‘folk reme-
dies’ using Black Seed:
1. Dizziness and ear infection: use it as a drop for the ears for
“infection”; and drink it in tea and rub under your cheek and at
the back of your neck for dizziness.
2. For women and delivery: it is the best thing for helping with
the pains of labor. Boil the black seed with honey and drink.
3. For skin diseases: mix a unit of the black seeds’ oil with a same
unit of rose water and 2 units of brown flour. Before you use the
mix rub the area with a cloth dipped in vinegar. Lightly apply the
mix to the skin and then expose to the sun every day.
4. Rheumatism: Warm black seed oil and massage the oil into
the painful areas. Also, make a drink of boiled black seed and
mix with honey, drink before going to sleep; and have a lot of
yaqeen (full-faith).
5. High blood pressure: Mix the black seed with hot liquids you
may drink, such as coffee, tea, etc; and rub your body with the
oil and have yaqeen.
6. Chest pains and colds: Add 1 tablespoon of the black seeds in boiling
water and inhale the vapor and cover your head before you sleep.
7. Heart burn: add a few drops of black seed oil to a hot cup of
milk and add one teaspoon of honey. Also, eat a lot of lettuce.
8. Eye pain: rub the oil around the eyes before you sleep and
mix a few drops of the oil with hot drinks.
9. Ulcers: Mix 10 drops of black seed oil with a cup of honey. Eat 1
spoon of this mixture daily, every morning, before you eat or drink
anything else. Follow with a glass of milk. Do this for two months.
10. Cancer: Rub the affected area with black seed oil. 3 times a
day drink a mixture of a teaspoon of the oil with a glass of carrot
juice. Do this for three months.
11. Laziness: Mix 10 drops of black seed oil with a glass of orange juice
when waking up for 10 days. Important, do not sleep after Fajr salat.
12. For memorizing: Boil mint and mix it with honey and 7 drops
of black seed oil-drink while warm any time of the day. Also, stop
drinking coffee and tea.