Page 16 - Issue 23

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A.I am married to _______________________________and all references in this Will to my husband/wife (s) are references to this person. _______________________________________
B. I am the father/mother of the following children whose names and dates of birth are: 1. ____________________________________________________________________________
2.__________________________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________5. ___________________________________________________________________________
6. ___________________________________________________________________7. ___________________________________________________________________________
A. I hereby entrust all my estate: cash, bank accounts, real property, shares in any business, and any other property not mentioned in this Will, to the person named below, who shall act as my
executor to serve without bond, to distribute it according to Shariah. I ordain that the executor of this Will be a Muslim.
1. My husband/wife _____________________________________, or, if he/she fails to survive me by 45 days, 2. ______________________________________, or, if fails to survive me
by 45 days,
3. ____________________________________________________, or, if fails to survive me by 45 days,
4. ______________________________________, or, if fails to survive me by
45 days,
B. The Imam of the local Sunni Muslim community.
C. I direct that the executor take all actions legally permissible to have the probate of my estate done as simply and as expeditiently as possible.
D. I give my executor power to sell my property, real, personal or mixed, without a court order and without bond.
E. I give my executor power to settle any claim for or against my estate.
1. I ordain that my body be prepared for burial in keeping with the Sunni Muslim Law (Shariah).
2. Under no circumstances shall my body be voluntarily turned over for an autopsy, or embalming, or organ donation.
3. My body must be prepared for burial according to the Shariah
4. Once the body is prepared for burial there is to be no viewing of my remains.
5. Absolutely no non-Islamic religious service or observance shall be conducted upon my death, or on my body, or at the grave site. No pictures, stars and crescents, decorations, crosses,
flags, flowers, plants, signs, symbols, or music be involved at any stage of my burial.
6. My body may not be transported over any unreasonable distance from the locality of my death unless necessitated by the circumstances or consensus of my Muslim family members.
7. My grave must be dug in complete accordance with the Shariah practice. It should face in the direction of the Qiblah (Ka’aba in Makkah, Saudi Arabia).
8. My body must be buried without casket or any other encasement that separates the shroud from the surrounding soil.
9. My grave must be covered with dirt only. The marking, if necessary, should be a simple rock. There should be no inscriptions or symbols on it.
10. My burial must take place as soon as possible, preferable before sunset on the day of my death or the following day. Under no circumstances should the burial be unduly delayed.
11. In the event that the local laws require casket-encasement, I command that such encasement be of the simplest, most modest, and least expensive type possible, and I furthermore command
that the encasement be left open during burial and filled with dirt unless prohibited by law.
12. No one is permitted to cry out, moan or wail. I demand that such a person leave the burial site. Only what comes from the eye is acceptable (tears). Muslims should say a duaa (supplication)
for me and that there be a moment of silence when they pray that my grave is made spacious and comfortable.
If, at my death, any of my children are minors, I recommend that my husband/wife ____________________________ be appointed guardian of my minor children, provided he/she is a Muslim.
he/she is unable or unwilling to serve as personal guardian, I recommend that _______________________________________________________ be appointed guardian of my minor
children. If he/she is unable or unwilling to serve as personal guardian, I recommend that _______________________________________________________________________ be
appointed guardian of my minor children. If he/she is unable or unwilling to serve as personal guardian, I recommend that ________________________________________________ be
appointed guardian of my minor children. In all cases, I urge that all my minor children be raised to be practicing Sunni Muslims and not in any way be indoctrinated into any other faith,
religion, or sect of Islam. I direct that no bond be required of any personal guardian. Any property or other inheritance that this Will gives to any of my minor children shall be administered by
their guardian in their best interest.