Page 17 - Issue 23

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I direct my executor:
A. To return to the rightful owners all trust and property that are in my care at the time of my death.
B. To first apply the assets of my estate to the payment of all my legal debts, including such expenses incurred by my last illness and burial as well as expenses of the administration of my estate.
C. To pay any outstanding “obligation due to Allah (Huquq Allah) “ which are binding on me including unpaid zakat, kaffaraat of unperformed pilgrimage (Hajj), etc.
I direct my executor to:
Pay the following amount from the remainder of my estate after paying all the expenses mentioned above, to the person/s or organization/s named below. The total must not exceed 33 percent
(one third) of the remainder of my estate.
1. ____________________________________________ …...... % of the total remainder 2. ____________________________________________…...... % of the total
3. ____________________________________________ …...… % of the total remainder 4. ____________________________________________ …....… % of the total
5. ____________________________________________ ...…… % of the total remainder TOTAL BEQUESTS (must not be more than 33%) …................ % of the total remainder
1. Distribute the residue and remainder of my estate strictly in accordance with the tenets of Sunni Muslim law of inheritance.
2. Ensure that no part of the remainder of my estate shall be inherited by any non-Muslim, no matter how he/she is related to me.
3. Ensure that, should I die as a result of murder, no part of the remainder of my estate shall be inherited by my adjured murderer responsible for direct unlawful killing (actionable homicide) , no
matterr how he/she is related to me
4. Ensure that no part of the remainder of my estate shall be inherited by a person whose claimed relationship to me, ascending or descending, is the result of a non-Islamic or unlawful marriage,
or through adoption, except if this relationship to me is through his/her mother who is biologically (through blood) related to me or if he/she is specifically mentioned in bequests above.
5. Regarding a fetus conceived before my death, whose relationship to me qualifies it to be an heir according to this article, if it is born alive within the limit of time specified by Shariah. The
executor may delay the distribution of the residue and remainder of my estate after the execution of Articles I to VII, until the birth of the fetus. If he/she chooses to distribute the estate prior to
the birth of the fetus then he must withhold a portion of the estate equal to the share of the fetus for distribution until after the birth of the fetus.
6. In case of any difficulty in distributing my estate according to this Will, the matter should be referred to a Muslim knowledgeable in Islamic Inheritance Law for advice and guidance.
7. The residue and remainder of my estate after the execution of Articles I to VII and Article VIII sections 1 to 6 above be donated to the following person/s or organization/s for the
establishment of Islamic communities and Masajid.
8. Any portion of my estate disclaimed or refused to be received by any of the legatees names or referred to in this document be donated to the following person/s or organization/s for the
establishment of Islamic communities and Masajid. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
I direct that no part of this Will be invalidated by a court unless competent in Shariah. If any part of this will is determined invalid by a court the other parts shall remain valid and enforceable.
I insist that no one practice innovations regarding the three-day condolence period after my death, such as bringing in someone to recite excerpts from the Quran or to preparing food for guests.
If you do any such innovations, I am free from that guilt and deviation, having herein charged you against it.
I declare that I forgive everyone who has backbitten me or erroneously taken anything from me. I beg of all those who knew me that they please forgive me for whatever I may have erroneously
taken from them or said against them.
I request that if you differ in anything among yourselves you refer the decision to Allah and His Messenger (Pbuh), for Allah (SWT) said:
“And know, by your Lord, they will not believe until
they make you, [O Mohammed], judge in what they dispute among themselves and then find no discomfort from what you have judged and submit in full, [willing] submission” (Quran 4: 65).
My final bequest for my family and children is the same one that the Messenger of Allah (Pbuh) enjoined upon his followers: “The prayer, the prayer”. I advise and implore my family to have
patience and accept Allah’s will. (Surah al-Baqarah: 156)
This concludes my Last Will and Testament. I am now free, in front of Allah (SWT), from any words or deeds that distort and contradict this document according to the guidance of Allah’s
Messenger (Pbuh), as forewarned by the Quranic verse:
“Then, whoever alters it [i.e. the bequest] after he has heard it - the sin is only upon those who have altered it.” (Quran 2:181).
”Exalted is your Lord, The Lord of might, above what they describe. And Peace be upon the messengers, and praise to Allah, Lord of the worlds” (Quran: 37: 180-182)
I subscribe my name to this Will this day _____________________________ at ___________________________________________ and do hereby declare that I sign and execute this
instrument as my last Will and that I sign it willingly, that I execute it as my free and voluntary act for the purposes therein expressed, and that I am of age or otherwise legally empowered to
make a Will, under no constraint or undue influence.
Signature, Date and Time