The Islamic Bulletin
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Fourth Year of Migration
Upon their request, the Prophet(S) sent ten learned Muslims to the tribe
of Adhal and Qarah to educate them about Islam. They betrayed the
Muslims and killed all ten learned Muslims.
Upon the request of Amir bin Malik the Prophet(S) sent seventy
companions (R.A) to Najd to teach them about Islam. Again the Muslims
were betrayed and martyred.
Hussain (R.A); the grandson of the Prophet(S) was born to Fatimah (R.A).
The second expedition of Badr took place.
The rules of Hijab (modestly covering oneself) were ordained.
Fifth Year of Migration
The rules of Tayammumn were ordained.
The Battle of the Trench: An alliance of 10,000 soldiers from different
Arab and Jewish tribes converged on Madinah. The Prophet(S), by the
suggestion of Salman al Farsi, dug trenches around Madinah to stop their
advance. The enemy besieged Madinah for 27 days after, which distrust and
dispute dissolved the alliance and they all left.
Hajj is made obligatory.
The Prophet(S) and his companions intended to perform Umrah.
The Quraish prevented them from entering Makkah and a standoff
between the Quraish and the Muslims ensued.
During this standoff, the Prophet(S) sent Uthman (R.A) as a
messenger on behalf of the Muslims to the Quraish. The Muslims were
wrongly informed that Uthman (R.A) was martyred by the Quraish.
The Muslims vowed to take revenge for him. This vow was known as
Bay’ah al-Ridhwan. Subsequently this standoff was resolved through
the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah.
The Treaty of Hudaybiyyah meant that after 18 years of persecution
at the hands of the Quraish, the Muslims would now live in peace.
In this peace-time era the Prophet sent letters to various kings and
rulers inviting them towards Islam.
Sixth Year of Migration
The battle of Khaybar: The inhabitants of Khaybar were the main
agents who had enlisted the Arab and Jewish forces in the battle of
the confederates , who lived in Madinah. They were still at large and
continued to plot against Islam. The Prophet(S) laid siege to their forts.
The people of Khaybar begged for forgiveness, which the Prophet(S)
granted and he allowed them to leave Madinah without any
Umrah al-Qadha was performed to compensate for the Umrah,
which the Muslims intended to perform in the previous year.
Ja’far bin Abi Talib (R.A) and other companions (R.A) who areleft
in Abyssinia migrated to Madinah.
Highly respected leaders such as Khalid bin Walid, Uthman bin Talha
and Amr bin Aas accepted Islam.
Seventh Year of Migration
Eleventh Year of Migration (May) 632 CE
In March, 632, Prophet Muhammed(S) returned to Mecca one last time
to perform Hajjat Al Wada (Farewell Pilgrimage); and tens of thousands of
Muslims joined him wjhere he gave his Last Farewell Sermon.
After the pilgrimage, he returned to Medina. Three months later on June
8, 632 (Monday 12th Rabi’al- Awwal 11 AH) he died there, after a brief
illness. He is buried in the mosque in Medina.
Muhammed (SAW) lived a simple, austere and modest life. He played
many roles including, head of state, chief of justice, commander-in-chief,
arbitrator and family man. The Prophet ‘s (SAW) saying are collections
known as the “Hadiths”. A
Among his (S) last words were
“We the community of Prophets are not
inherited. Whatever we leave is for charity.”
So strong was his message of faith that within a hundred years, Mu-
hammad(S)'s teachings and way of life had spread from the remote
corners of Arabia to as far east as Indo-China and as far west as Morocco,
France and Spain.
timeline, scroll and click on white circle for audio, Media is for watching video.
The Quraish broke the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah, at which, the Prophet
(S) advanced towards Makkah with 10,000 soldiers and successfully
entered and conquered Makkah.
You can also watch or listen to the Sira at our website by clicking link below: mouse, wait, click red button,
Eighth Year of Migration
Tenth Year of Migration
The Prophet sent Muadh bin Jabal (R.A) to Yemen. One of the greatest of
Muadh's contributions was that he was one of the group of six who
collected the Qur'an during the lifetime of the Prophet (S).
The Prophet S) personally bade farewell to him and walked for some
distance alongside Muadh as he set out to leave the city, . Finally he (S) said
to him: "O Muadh, perhaps you shall not meet me again after this year.
Perhaps when you return you shall see only my mosque and my grave."
Muadh wept. Those with him wept too. A feeling of sadness and desolation
overtook him as he parted from his beloved Prophet, (SAW). The
Prophet(S)'s premonition was correct. The eyes of Muadh never beheld the
Prophet(S) after that moment. The Prophet(S) died before Muadh returned
from the Yemen. When Muadh returned to Madinah the
(head of
state) was Abu Bakr (RA).
Ninth Year of Migration
Tamin bin Awsal-Dari accepted Islam. He was also well known for being
the first person to light a lamp in a Majid that had no light.
The Prophet(S) dispatched individuals to the various Muslim
lands to collect Zakat.
After the fall of Makkah and the collapse of the Quraish, the Romans
feared for their own power. The Muslims assembled an army of 30,000 to
combat the Roman army of 40,000 at Tabuk. The Romans fled as soon as
they heard of the Muslim army and thus no fighting took place.
Usury and dealing with Riba (interest) became prohibited.
Even though the Quraish had tortured and persecuted the Muslims,
when the Prophet(S) entered Makkah, he prohibited any form of
revenge and thus there was no bloodshed.
This act of kindness and peace results in many ardent
enemies of the Prophet accepting Islam. The year was 630 C.E.
Entire tribes embraced Islam in succession. Even after the
Prophet(s) gave the Quraish leaders sanctuary and forgave them,
many of the leaders still embraced Islam. Some of them were:
Safwan bin Umayyah, Suhayl bin Amr, Utbah and Mu’awiyyah (RA)
(May Allah be pleased with them).
The Prophet(S) appointed governors in many Muslim areas and
thus a system of peace and justice was established in those areas.