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The Islamic Bulletin
Volume XXV No. 29
How did Muhammad (S) know that the sun, the moon,
and the planets are all swimming in an orbit that had been
ordered for them? These things were just discovered 25 or 35
years ago. How did Muhammad (S), an uneducated shepherd
who was raised in the desert, how could he know something
like this? How could he produce something like this? How
could a man who never left the Arabian Peninsula, a man who
never sailed on a ship, who lived more than 1500 years ago
-- make such clear and astounding descriptions that were just
recently discovered in this half of the twentieth century?
Also, let me mention that the Quran has a hundred
and fourteen chapters, over six thousand verses. And there
were hundreds of people in the time of the Prophet Muham-
mad (S) who memorized this book entirely.
There are millions of Muslims today who have mem-
orized this entire book. This is the ambition of every Muslim.
You’ve never met any Christian that memorized the whole
Bible, because you’ve never met a Christian who even knew
what the whole Bible consisted of. Because Christians have
over 700 denominations, and there are approximately 39 ver-
sions of the Bible--with different books and different versions.
So how could they memorize what they don’t agree about?
I’m not speaking in a condemning manner. I was a Christian. I
learned these things by my own investigation.
Here are some more facts about the Quran. The Quran has
been universally preserved without the slightest alteration of
any kind in fifteen centuries. Would you agree that the Quran
is profound? Many other non-Muslims came to the same con-
clusion. People such as Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson,
and Winston Churchill. Whether they accepted Islam openly, or
not, they concluded there is no other literature as profound as
the Quran.
Now let us turn to another subject matter: the basic
themes of the Quran. The supreme oneness of Almighty God,
which includes His names, His attributes, the relationship
between God Almighty and His creation, and how human
beings should maintain that relationship. The continuity of
prophets and messengers, their lives, their messages, and their
overall mission. The insistence upon following the final and
universal example of Muhammad (S), the Seal of the Prophets
and Messengers. The Quran reminds us of the shortness of this
life and calls us toward the hereafter. Life hereafter, meaning
after here. After you die and you leave this earth, you are going
somewhere; and you are responsible, because you have been
told-- even if you have rejected it. Because the object of this
life is not for you to read and discover, and after this do nothing
and have no effect. You came into this life for a cause and a
purpose, and it must have an effect! You cannot live without
expecting to die! You cannot die without the expectancy of the
grave! And you cannot expect that the grave is the end.
The Quran goes to great lengths to expound upon the
oceans and rivers, the trees and plants, the birds and insects,
the animals, the mountains, the expansion of the heavens, the
celestial bodies and the universe. And how could a shepherd
boy, born in the desert, expound upon things that he was never
exposed to?
The most unique aspect of the Quran, however, is
that it serves to confirm all the previously revealed scriptures.
If, after examining the religion of Islam, you should decide to
become a Muslim, you do not have to change your religion!
Likewise, with your belief, your honor, your virtue, your love
of Jesus Christ, your dedication to Almighty God - you don’t
change that! You hold on to that! But, you make alterations
where you know that the truth has been revealed to you!
Islam is simple: to bear witness that there’s none to be wor-
shiped except Almighty God.
Islam is to bear witness that Almighty God is God, the
only God, the only One without any partners. Islam is to ac-
knowledge the existence of the Angels who were sent with the
duty of revealing the revelations to the prophets. Islam is to ac-
knowledge that all the prophets and messengers of Almighty God
were righteous men. And that they were all sent by Almighty God
acknowledging the fact that there will be a final day of judgment.
Islam is to acknowledge that all good and evil has been predes-
tined by Almighty God. Finally, Islam is to acknowledge that there
will be a resurrection after death.
The fundamental duties incumbent upon every Muslim
are simple. In fact, there are just 5 simple rules, the so-called Five
Pillars of Islam: Belief, Worship, Fasting, Alms giving, and Pilgrim-
age. The most important rule of Islam is to uphold the strict code
of monotheism. Not to worship anything along with God. Not
to say anything about God that you have no right to say. Not to
say, “He has a father, a son, a daughter, a mother, an uncle, an
aunt, a board of trustees.” When you bear witness, you sentence
yourself to peace and paradise, or you sentence yourself to pun-
So ask yourself, “Do I bear witness that there is only one
God?” Then ask yourself the next question. Do I bear witness
that Muhammad is a messenger of Almighty God? If you bear
witness to that, then you are a Muslim. And you don’t have to
change what you were. You just have to make alterations in your
thinking and practice. If you are ready to enter Islam and ready
to become a Muslim, you must first declare the Shahada, which
is the declaration of faith. This testimony is to declare the belief
in the Oneness of God and the acceptance of Muhammad as
God’s final prophet.
This is an excerpt from a lecture given by Shaykh Khalid
Yasin which resulted in 43 people accepting Islam that evening.
(If you would like to become Muslim or need more information
on Islam, please email us at
info@islamicbulletin.orgThe audio version and others are also available in several lan-
guages in our website at