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March Forth, Whether You Are Light or Heavy

The Prophet (PBUH) entered Al-Madiinah and put an end to his successful Hijrah. He began his

first blessed days in the place of his immigration which destiny had selected for unprecedented and

unmatched feats.

Riding on his camel, the Messenger (PBUH) advanced among the massive crowd which overflowed

with enthusiasm, love, and longing. People crowded around the camel's halter in competition with one

another to offer Allah's Messenger their hospitality and accommodation. As soon as the procession

reached the neighborhood of Bani Saalim Ibn `Awf, the crowd stood in the way of the procession and

addressed the Prophet saying, "O Messenger of Allah, please do accept our hospitable accommodation,

for we are influential people who are great in number and wealth. We can also guarantee your support

and protection." The Prophet (PBUH) mildly urged them to loosen its halter and get out of its way, for it

had been ordered by Allah to stop at a certain place.

The procession advanced to the neighborhoods of Bani Bayaadah, then Bani Saa'idah, then Bani Al-

Haarith Ibn Al-Khazraj, then to the Bani `Adiy, Ibn An-Najaar. The people of every tribe tried to stop the

camel and pleaded with the Prophet (PBUH) to honor them with his approval of their hospitable

accommodation. Yet the Prophet (PBUH) gave them the same answer, smiling thankfully, "Get out of its

way, for it has been ordered by Allah to go to a certain place." Thus, the Prophet (PBUH) left the choice

of his abode to destiny.

Later, this abode would be of critical and glorious importance, for on this land the mosque out of

which the words and light of Allah would emanate, illuminating the entire universe, would be built.

Next to this mosque, a dwelling or rather dwellings made of clay and bricks would be built with

nothing inside them but that which is barely sufficient for sustenance and living. These dwellings would

be inhabited by an inspired instructor and Prophet (PBUH) who dawned upon this world to revive its

waning spirit and to bestow honor and peacefulness upon all those who have said that their Lord is only

Allah and thereafter stood firm and straight in the Islamic faith by abstaining from all kinds of sins and

evil deeds which Allah has forbidden and by performing all kinds of good deeds which He has ordained.

They were those who believed in the Oneness of Allah, worshiped none but Him alone and did not

confuse their belief with wrong. They were those who purified their religion to Allah and reformed the

land and did not make mischief on the earth. Indeed, the Prophet (PBUH) was very careful to leave the

choice of the place of his abode to Allah's determined decree.

Hence, he loosened the reins of his camel and did not pull it. Then he set his heart to Allah and

supplicated, "Allah, pick and choose for me a place for my abode."

The camel knelt down in front of the house of Bani Maalik Ibn An-Najaar. Then it got up on its feet,

circled around the place, then went back to the same spot again and knelt down, lowered its neck, and

was motionless. The Prophet (PBUH) was optimistic and glad as he dismounted. One of the Muslims

advanced towards the camel, took the saddle bags and carried them into his house. His face shone with

joy and satisfaction as the Prophet (PBUH) who was enveloped with good fortune and blessings followed

him right into his house. Would you like to know who was the happy, lucky man in front of whose house

the camel knelt down, and the man in whose house the Prophet was guest, and the man whom all the

people of the city envied for his great fortune? He was our hero, Abu Aiyuub Al Ansaariy, also known as

Khaalid Ibn Zaid, the grandson of Maalik Ibn An-Najaar.

It was not the first meeting between the Prophet (PBUH) and Abu Aiyuub Al-Ansaariy. They had

met before when the Madiinah delegation journeyed to Makkah to take the oath of allegiance to the

Prophet (PBUH) in the famous Second Pledge of Al-'Aqabah. Abu Aiyuub Al-Ansaary was among the