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All those who helped Zaid were scribes of the revelation and Qur'aan reciters. Despite that, when

they disagreed - which rarely happened - they always considered Zaid's word to be the final decision.

We can only imagine the tremendous difficulties encountered by those destined by Allah to gather and

preserve the Qur'aan when we read it so easily or hear it recited. It is exactly like the horrors they

encountered and the souls they willingly gave away while fighting in the cause of Allah, in order to

spread a virtuous, precious religion over the earth and to dispel darkness with a clear light.



A Fighter of the Foremost Muslims

Khaalid Ibn Sa`iid was born into a highly wealthy and power- oriented family. His family lived in

luxury and abundance, and his father was proud of his influential high status among the Quraish. Khaalid

descended from Ibn Umaiyah, Ibn `Abd Shams and Ibn' Abd Manaaf.

When the first rays of Islam crept in, slowly but surely over Makkah to announce in whispers that

revelation had descended upon Muhammad the Trustworthy in the Cave of Hiraa' with a message from

Allah to proclaim to His slaves, Khaalid's heart was revived and he gave an ear to the whispering which

was like a wonderful light, and he was also heedful to it. He was thrilled with joy as if he had been

waiting for this news all his life. He kept on following these rays of light wherever they went. Whenever

he heard his people talking about the new religion, he would join them and listen carefully with repressed

joy. Every now and then, he would participate in the conversation with a word or two that gave impetus

to the new religion to achieve publicity, effect, and guidance.

If you had seen him in those days, you would have the impression that he was a quiet young man

who kept discrete silence. Yet beyond this calm appearance lurked a commotion of human feeling that

was full of movement and joy. You could almost hear sounds of drums, trumpets, prayers, and

glorifications. You could almost see the hoisted flags. His inner-self was feasting in the full meaning of

the world. You could feel the joy, thrill, and even the clamor and clatter of the feast day.

This young man kept this big feast to himself and concealed it from all people. He knew that if his

father found out that he harbored all this love, enthusiasm, and support for Muhammad's invitation to

Allah's way, he would offer him as a sacrifice to the `Abd Manaaf. But when our innerselves are full and

saturated with a certain feeling, it is not long before we lose control over it and it overflows freely and

excessively. One day. . . No, it was not yet daybreak, and Khaalid was in a state of alert sleepiness when

he saw a vision that was highly impressionistic, effective, and telling.

To be more precise, one night, Khaalid Ibn Sa'iid saw in his sleep a vision of himself standing on

the brink of a great fire. His father stood right behind him. Strangely enough, his father was incessantly

pushing him towards the brink. He wanted to throw him right into the burning fire. Then Khaalid saw

Allah's Prophet rush to him and pull him with his blessed right hand away from the burning fire.

When Khaalid woke up he knew what he had to do. He hastened to Abu Bakr's house and told him

about his vision which was undoubtedly as clear as broad daylight. Abu Bakr said, "Allah chose you for

His Mercy. This is the Prophet (PBUH). Follow him closely, for Islam will keep you away from hell."

Khaalid rushed looking for the Prophet until he found him. Then he asked the Prophet about his

message. He (PBUH) answered him saying, "Worship Allah alone and join none with Him in worship.

Believe in Muhammad, His slave and Prophet; and, finally, abandon the worship of idols which do not

hear, see, or have power to either harm or benefit you."