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(PBUH) never kills anyone entering his religion." I went to Allah's Prophet (PBUH) in Al- Madiinah,

and the moment he first saw me I was already giving my true testimony. When he saw me he said, "Is it

you, Wahshiy?" I said, "Yes, Messenger of Allah." He said, "Tell me, how did you kill Hamzah?" I told

him, and when I finished he told me, "Woe to you! Get out of my sight and never show your face to me."

From that time, I always avoided wherever the Prophet (PBUH) went lest he should see me, till he died.

Afterwards, when the Muslims fought Musailamah the Liar in the Battle of Al-Yamaamah, I went with

them. I took with me the same spear that I had killed Hamzah with. When the armies met, I saw

Musailamah standing with his sword in his hand. I prepared for him, shook my spear till I had full

control over it, threw it, and it went into his body. If I killed with this spear the best of people, Hamzah, I

wish that Allah may forgive me, as I killed with it the worst of people, Musailamah.

Thus the Lion of Allah and of His Messenger died as a great martyr. His death was as unusual as his

life, because it was not enough for his enemies to kill him. They sacrificed all the men and money of the

Quraish to a battle only seeking the Prophet (PBUH) and his uncle Hamzah.

Hind Bint `Utbah, the wife of Abu Sufyaan, ordered Wahshiy to bring her Hamzah's liver, and he

responded to her savage desire. When he returned to her, he delivered the liver to her with his right hand,

while taking the necklaces with the left as a reward for the accomplished task. Hind, whose father had

been killed in the Battle of Badr and whose husband was the leader of the polytheist army, chewed

Hamzah's liver hoping to relieve her heart, but the liver was too tough for her teeth so she spat it out and

stood up shouting her poem:

For Badr we've paid you better

In a war more flaring than the other.

I was not patient to revenge the murder of

`Utbah, my son, and my brother.

My vow's fulfilled, my heart's relieved forever.

The battle ended and the polytheists mounted their camels and led their horses back to Makkah. The

Prophet (PBUH) and his Companions examined the battlefield to see the martyrs. There, in the heart of

the valley, the Prophet (PBUH) was examining the faces of his Companions who had offered their souls

to their Lord and had given their lives as a precious sacrifice to Him.

The Prophet (PBUH) suddenly stood up and gazed in an upset manner at what he saw. He ground

his teeth and dosed his eyes. He never imagined that the Arabic moral code could be that savage so as to

cut and disfigure a dead body in the dreadful way that had happened to his uncle, the Lion of Allah,

Hamzah Ibn `Abd Al Muttalib. The Prophet (PBUH) opened his shining eyes and looked at the dead

body of his uncle saying, "I will never have a worse loss in my life than yours. I have never been more

outraged than I am now."

Then he turned to his Companions saying, "It is only for the sake of Safiyah [Hamzah's sister] that

she should be grieved and that it should be taken as a practice after me. Otherwise, I would have ordered

him to be left without burying so that he may be in the stomachs of beasts and in the craws of birds. If

Allah destines me to win over the Quraish, I will cut thirty of them into pieces."

Therefore, the Companions shouted, "By Allah, if one day we conquer them, we will cut them in a

way that no Arab has done before!" Allah honored Hamzah by making his death a great lesson for the

Muslims to learn justice and mercy, even in situations when penalties and retaliation were justified. No

sooner had the Prophet finished his threatening words, then a revelation came down to him while he was

still standing in his place with the following verse: "Call mankind to the Way of your Lord with wisdom

and sound advice, and reason with them in a well mannered way. Indeed your Lord is well aware of

those who have gone astray from His way, and He is well aware of those who are guided. And if you