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retaliate, let your retaliation be to the extent that you were afflicted, but if you are patient, it will certainly

be best for those who are patient; and be patient, yet your patience is only with the help of GOD, and do

not sorrow for them, not distress yourself at what they devise. Indeed GOD is with those who are pious,

and those who are doers of good" (16:125-127).

The revelation of these verses in this situation was the best honor for Hamzah. As stated before, the

Prophet (PBUH) loved him dearly because he was not only an uncle, but also his brother by fosterage,

his playmate in childhood, and the best friend in all his life.

The Prophet (PBUH) did not find any better farewell for Hamzah than praying for him among the

numerous martyrs. Hamzah's body was carried to the place of prayer on the battlefield, in the same place

which had witnessed his bravery and embraced his blood. The Prophet (PBUH) and his Companions

prayed for him, then they brought another martyr and put him beside Hamzah, and prayed for him. Then

they took the martyr away and left Hamzah and brought the next martyr and placed him beside Hamzah

and prayed for him and so on. They brought all the martyrs, one after the other and prayed for them

beside Hamzah, who on that day was prayed for seventy times (the number of martyrs).

On his way from the battlefield, the Prophet (PBUH) heard the women of Bani `Abd Al- Ashhal

lamenting their martyrs and he said, "But Hamzah has no one to lament him." Sa'd lbn Mu'aadh heard

this sentence and thought that the Prophet (PBUH) would be satisfied if the women would lament his

uncle. He hurried to the women of Bani Abd Al-Ashhal and ordered them to lament Hamzah. When the

Prophet (PBUH) heard them doing this he said, "I did not mean this. Go back, may Allah have mercy on

you. There will be no crying anymore." The Prophet's (PBUH) Companions began to say their eulogies

for Hamzah in praise of his virtues. The poet Hassaan lbn Thaabit said in the course of a long poem:

Moan for Hamzah the one

Who won't forget your horse which was old.

He spurs horses when away they run

Like lions in jungles. He's strong and bold,

Whiter than Haashim. He looks in the sun

Except for the night, his tongue never told

Among your swords, in was he done,

Paralyzed be the hands that Wahshiy has sold."

Abd Allah lbn Rawaahah also said:

I moaned, but what did moaning do for me?

When they said Hamzah the Lion was killed

Abu Ya`liy, a man with honor was filled

For your death, pillars down were pulled.

Safiyah, Hamzah's sister and the Prophet's (PBUH) aunt said:

To the happy Paradise of Allah he was invited.