. Then God is God, the Holy Ghost or the Holy Spirit is the
angel Gabriel, and Jesus is...
. Go on! Say it!
Jesus, the son of Mary is a messenger / prophet
of God .
. How can you solve what the Church calls a mystery?
We use the Holy Qur’an as the standard to correct the
changes made by men in the previously revealed scriptures. If
you can now believe in God as one, the Holy Ghost as Gabriel
the favorite angel of God, and Jesus, the son of Mary, as a
Prophet, why don’t you go one step further and accept
Muhammed as the Last Messenger? Read the Shahadah
(Testimony), first in English, then in Arabic to accept the truth
of Islam.
Read it to me in English so I can understand it first.
M. “
I bear witness that there is no deity except Allah, Who has
no partner, and Muhammed is His slave, servant and
messenger”. “
Ash-hadu Allah Ilaha illal-Lahu wahdahu la
shareekalahu wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa
C. Wait a minute!
What about my great-grandparents who
passed away? They were all Christians.
. Abraham (pbuh) had left his parents and great-grandparents
when the Truth was manifested to him. He was only about 13
years old then if you remember.
Everyone is responsible for himself. Maybe the Truth hadn’t
come to your ancestors as clearly as it comes to you now. The
Holy Qur’an
states in
Surah 17:15
: “Whoever goes aright, then
he goes aright only for his own soul’s benefit. And whoever