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ican Standard Bible and New World Translation of the Holy

Scriptures of the Jehovah’s Witnesses. This proves that this was

an interpolation and was never in the most ancient manuscripts.

Let me ask you this: did Jesus (pbuh) ever claim unequivocally

to be God by saying: “I am your God, worship me?”


No, but he is God



. But did he ever claim that?


. No.


. Indeed! He had already prophesied that people will worship

him uselessly and will believe in doctrines

not made by God but

by men. (

Matthew 15:9


“But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the

commandments of men


Men make all doctrines of modern Christianity: the Trinity,

Divine Sonship of

Jesus, Divinity of Jesus Christ, Original Sin

and Atonement.

From Jesus’s own sayings, which are clearly

recorded in the New Testament, it is perfectly clear that he never

claimed divinity or identity to God: “I can do nothing of my own

self” (

John 8:28);

“My Father is greater than I” (

John 14:28

); “The

Lord our God is One Lord” (

Mark 12:29);

“My God, my God,

why hast thou forsaken me?” (

Mark 15:34

) “Father, into Thy

hands I commend my spirit.” (

Luke 23:46).


Mark 13:32)

“But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no,

not the angels which are in heaven, neither the son, but the

Father.” Jesus was called prophet, teacher from God, His servant,

Messiah, and later when GOD took him up, he was escalated to

Son of God, and then God himself by Paul and others. To us

Muslims it is incomprehensible how Christians can believe