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The Islamic Bulletin

Some of us have become a disgrace (a loss) to our par-

ents, and society is falling apart as a result. What is the

cause? I repeat, oh parents and grandparents! You have

taken much care of our bodies, but you must also take

care of our spirits, our souls. And how do you do that?

Teaching us about Islam; correctly. And, do not forget

that you are in a country that is not Muslim. Therefore,

it is not logical to expect that a non-Muslim teacher

will teach us our religion, or that we can learn it on the

internet it is not necessary that every parent be a scholar,

Alim (religious scholar), or university professor.

But since this is the case, where we will learn our reli-

gion then?

In the street?


In bars and night clubs?


In public schools? NO! A thousand times,


Where, then? The place is the masjid (mosque).

The only institution in this country that oversees and

cares for us as Muslims. It is the place that unites the

Muslim community despite our differences in language,

skin color, and customs. It is the unique place from

which emerged the great scholars and educators

in the past.

So, parents and grandparents do not exhaust

yourselves by constructing lots of buildings and

houses and places for entertainment and think

that this is the way to secure our future. But, I

say, on behalf of those kind and innocent faces,

what will you leave behind for us, we will strug-

gle for it, after your death Who will get more?

And the result will remain.

Quran, says:

“And you have certainly come to Us alone as We cre-

ated you the first time. And you have left whatever We

bestowed upon you behind you....”

(Quran 6:94)

So, what are we asking you? We ask you to build for you

and us, a house in Paradise and, can this be possible??

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon

him), said:

Whoever builds a mosque for Allah, Allah will build for

him a house in Paradise.

So, collaborate with us in building this mosque that will

remain forever in history. (A place) to worship Allah

alone and it will be for you a permanent (ongoing) char-

ity, because anyone who recites the Quran, and every

child who learns a Surah, will do it here (in the mosque)

and you will have the reward of Allah, Allah willing.

So, I ask you to build for us this mosque where we learn

the Arabic language, the Qur’an and the correct Islam

and it is Islam that nourishes the soul and body equal-

ly and simultaneously So if you help us to build this

mosque, we will be able to benefit from it before your

death...because you took care of our needs before.

May Allah bless your lives and you must not obey what

Satan suggests to you, for Satan runs in the blood of

human beings.

As the Quran says:

“Satan, threatens you with poverty and orders you

to do immoral things. While Allah, promises you

forgiveness from Him and bounty. And Allah is all-En-

compassing and Knowing.”


And not to be of those on whom the Quran says:

”Do you order righteousness to people and forget

yourselves while you recite the Scripture? Then will

you not reason?” (2:44)

Therefore, I will also collaborate together with you,

with a modest sum of money and as you know, I’m

not as Abu Bakr, who gave in charity all the money he

possessed, and I am not like Omar Ibn Al-Khattab, who

gave half of what he owned.

I want to ask you...

Have you ever seen someone who gave for the

construction of a mosque and then became



I also gave all my money, and I do not fear

poverty. But, I am not like Abu Bakr or Omar.

Finally, I want to thank the members of this

institution that organized this event and let me

say these humble words, and thanks to Islam TV channel

and to all audience, as well as the supporters of Islam.

As-salamo ‘aaleikomwarahmato-llahwabarakatoh

(Peace and blessings of Allah be with you)

See the original video speech in Arabic with translation

into English and Spanish:

The Islamic Bulletin would also like to thank all of the

volunteers who assisted in this production and its trans-

lation in English and Spanish.

We ask Allah (SWT) to

accept it and may He (SWT) make it a source of guidance

and blessings to everyone who will benefit from it and

share it. Please keep the Islamic Bulletin staff members

and their families in your duas.

Have you ever

seen someone

who gave for

the construction

of a mosque.”