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him choose between you and me. If he chooses you, he is free to go with you, but if he chooses me then,

by Allah, I will not leave him for anything in the world." Haarithah's face brightened, for he did not

expect such magnanimity; therefore, he said, "You are far more generous than us." Then the Prophet

(PBUH) summoned Zaid. When he came he asked him, "Do you recognize these people?" Zaid said,

"Yes, this is my father and this is my uncle."

The Prophet (PBUH) told him what he had told Haarithah. Zaid replied, "I will not choose anyone

but you, for you are a father and an uncle to me." The Prophet's eyes were full of thankful and

compassionate tears. He held Zaid's hand and walked to the Ka'bah, where the Quraish were holding a

meeting, and cried out, "I bear witness that Zaid is my son, and in case I die first, he will inherit from me,

and in case he dies first, I will inherit from him." Hiaarithah was overjoyed, for not only had his son been

manumitted but he had also become the son of the man who was known by the Quraish as "The Honest

and Trustworthy". Moreover, he was a descendant of Bani Haashim and was raised to a high station

among his people.

Zaid's father and uncle returned back home leaving their son safe and sound after he had become

master of himself and after the Prophet (PBUH) had set to rest their fears concerning his fate.

The Prophet (PBUH) adopted Zaid and from that moment on he was known as Zaid Ibn


Suddenly, on a bright morning whose brightness has never been seen before or since, the revelation

descended on Muhammad: "read! In the name of your Lord who created - created mankind from

something which clings; read! And your Lord is the Most Noble; who taught by the pen; taught mankind

what he did not know " (96:1-5). Then the revelation continued: "O you encovered--- Arise and warn!

And magnify your Lord" (74:1-3). "O Messenger! Proclaim the message which has been sent down to

you from your Lord. And if you do not, then you have not conveyed His message. Allah will protect you

from mankind. Verily, Allah guides not the people who disbelieve"

(5 : 61).

As soon as the Prophet (PBUH) had shouldered the responsibility of his message, Zaid submitted

himself to Islam. Narrators said that he was the second man and more probably the first man to embrace


The Prophet (PBUH) loved Zaid so dearly due to his singular loyalty, greatness of spirit,

conscientiousness, honesty, and trust worthiness. All this and more, made Zaid Ibn Haarithah or Zaid the

Beloved One, as the Companions used to call him, hold a distinguished place in the Prophet's heart

(PBUH). `Aa'ishah (May Allah be pleased with her) said, "The Prophet (PBUH) never sent Zaid on an

expedition but as a commander and if his life had not been so short, he would have made him his



Was it possible for anyone to be held in such great esteem by the Prophet? What was Zaid really

As we have mentioned, he was that boy who had been kidnapped, sold, and manumitted by the

Prophet (PBUH). He was this short, swarthy, snub-nosed man. Above all, he had a compassionate heart

and a free soul. Therefore, he was raised to the highest position by his Islam and the Prophet's love for

him, for neither Islam nor the Prophet (PBUH) took notice of descent or prestige. Muslims like Bilaal ,

Suhaib, Khabbaab, `Ammaar, Usaamah and Zaid were all alike according to this great religion. Each one

of them played an important and distinctive role in gizing impetus to the rapidly spreading religion.

These saintly ones and commanders were the sparkling stars of Islam. Islam rectified life values when

the glorious Qur'aan said: "Surely, the most honorable among you in the sight of Allah are the most pious

of you " (49:13). Moreover, it encouraged all promising talents and all pure, trustworthy, and productive
