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he caught the standard with his upperarms. At the moment, the only thing that really mattered to him

was not to let the standard of the Prophet (PBUH) touch the ground as long as he was alive. Although his

pure body was struck down, his upperarm still hugged the standard. The sounds of its fluttering seemed

to have summoned `Abd Allah Ibn Rawaahah, who darted swiftly and gripped it then galloped towards

his great destiny!

Thus, Ja`far died an honorable death. He met Allah, the Most Great, the Most High, enveloped in

self-sacrifice and heroism.

When Allah the All-Knower, the All-Aware, inspired His Prophet (PBUH) with the outcome of the

battle and Ja'far's martyrdom, his tears flowed as he placed his spirit in Allah's hands. Then he went to

his late cousin's house and called his children. He hugged and kissed them while his tears flowed. Then

he went back to his meeting surrounded by the Companions. Hassaan lbn Thaabit, the poet laureate of

Islam, lamented the death of Ja`afar and his Companions saying.

At daybreak a man of a blessed nature and graceful face Commanded the believers to


His face was as bright as the moon.

He was a proud man who descended from Al Haashim.

He was a valiant man who rushed to help the oppressed.

He fought until he was martyred.

And his reward was Paradise where there are lush.

green gardens.

Ja'far was loyal and obedient to Muhammad.

If Islam lost one of Al-Haashim,

There are still honorable and pious men of them.

Who are the support and pride of Islam.

After Hassaan finished reciting his poem, Ka`b Ibn Maalik recited.

I am griefstricken over the group.

Who were struck down in succession in the Battle of Mu'tah.

They strived and fought fiercely and didn't turn their back.

Allah sent His blessings on them.

For they were pious and loyal men.

Allah made the heavy rains water their bone.

They stood firm before death in Mu'tah

in obedience to Allah.

And for fear of His punishment.