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O My Soul, Death Is Inevitable, So It Is Better

for You to Be Martyred

When the Prophet (PBUH) met secretly with Al-Madiinah's delegation on the outskirts of Makkah

away from the disbelievers of the Quraish, twelve representatives of the Ansaar took an oath of

allegiance in the first Pledge of `Aqabali. `Abd Allah Ibn Rawaahah was one of those representatives

who ushered Islam to Al-Madiinah and who paved the way for the Hijrah, which was considered an

excellent springboard for Allah's religion, Islam. `Abd Allah was also one of the great 73 of the Ansaar

who gave the Prophet (PBUH) the Second Pledge of `Aqabah in the following year. After the Prophet

(PBUH) and his Companions emigrated and settled in Al-Madiinah, `Abd Allah Ibn Rawaahah was the

most active Muslim of the Ansaar who strived to support the thriving religion. He was also the most alert

Muslim to the plots of `Abd Allah Ibn Ubaiy whom the people of Al-Madiinah were about to crown king

before the Muslims arrived. He never got over the bitterness he felt for losing the chance of his lifetime

to become a king. Therefore, he used his craftiness to weave deceitful plots against Islam, while `Abd

Allah Ibn Rawaahah kept on tracing and detecting this craftiness with remarkable insight that frustrated

most of Ibn Ubaiy's maneuvers and plots.

Ibn Rawaahah (May Allah be pleased with him) was a scribe at a time in which writing was not

prevalent. He was a poet. His poetry flowed with admirable fluency and strength. Ever since his Islam he

devoted his poetic genius to its service. The Prophet (PBUH) always admired his poetry, asking him to

recite more of it. One day, as he was sitting among his Companions, `Abd Allah Ibn Rawaahah joined

them, so the Prophet (PBUH) asked him, "How do you compose a poem?" `Abd Allah answered, "First I

think about its subject matter, then I recite." He immediately recited:

O the good descendants of Al Haashim

Allah raised you to a high station

Of which you are worthy above all mankind.

My intuition made me realize at once

Your excelling nature,

Contrary to the disbelievers belief in you.

If you asked some of them for support and help,

They would turn you down.

May Allah establish the good that descends

On you firmly

And bestow victory upon you as He did to Muusaa.