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Ja'far's failing upper arms. The fight reached the peak of ferocity. The smaller army was indistinct amidst

the waves of the mighty hosts of Heraclius.

When Ibn Rawaahah was a soldier, he attacked heedlessly and confidently. But now the command

placed great responsibilities for the army's safety on his shoulders. It seemed that for a moment he was

overtaken by hesitation and dread, yet he instantly shook off those apprehensions, summoned his innate

fearlessness and cried out, "O my soul, you look as if you were afraid to cross the way that leads to

Paradise. O my soul, I took an oath to fight. O my soul, death is inevitable, so you had better be

martyred. Now I will experience the inevitability of death. What you have cared for so long is finally

yours. So go ahead, for if you follow these two heroes, you will be guided to the way of Paradise." He

meant the two heroes who had preceded him in martyrdom, Zaid and Ja'far.

He darted into the Roman armies, fiercely and ruthlessly. Were it not for a previous ordainment

from Allah that he was to be martyred on that day, he would have annihilated the fighting hosts. But

destiny called and he was martyred. His body was struck down, yet his pure, valiant spirit was raised to

the heavens. His most precious wish finally came true, so that "When people pass by my grave, they will

say: By Allah you are the most righteous warrior!'

The fierce attack in Al-Balqaa' in Syria went on. Back in Al Madiinah the Prophet (PBUH) was

talking peacefully and contentedly with his Companions when he suddenly stopped talking. He closed

his eyes a little, then opened them. A gleam flashed from them, yet it was tinged with sadness and

compassion. He looked around sadly and said, "Zaid took the standard and fought until he was

martyred." He was silent for a while, then continued "Ja'far grasped it and fought until he was marytred.

Then `Abd Allah lbn Rawaahah grasped it and fought until he was martyred." He was silent for a while,

then his eyes sparkled with elation, tranquility, longing, and joy as he said, "They were all raised to


What a glorious journey it must have been! What a happy succession! They all marched to conquer,

they all were raised up to Paradise. The best salute to immortalize their memory rests in the Prophet's

words: "They were raised up to await me in Paradise."