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and imposed it upon him forcefully. `Umair asked Allah for proper guidance. Then he went to carry out

his duty and task.

In Homs, a whole year passed and no land tax reached Al Madiinah, nor did a single message reach

the Commander of the Faithful. The Commander of the Faithful called his scribe, to whom he said,

"Write to `Umair ordering him to come here."

Will you allow me to tell you about the meeting between `Umar and `Umair as it was related in my

previous book Between the Hands of `Umar? 2

One day the roads of Al-Madiinah witnessed a dusty, shaggy man, covered by the hardship of travel

and hardly pulling his feet out from the hot sandy ground due to his long suffering and the tremendous

effort he spent. On his left shoulder there was a sack and a wooden bowl. On his right shoulder there was

a small waterskin filled with water. He supported his thin, weak, tired body with a stick.

He turned to `Umar's assembly with very slow, heavy steps. "O Commander of the Faithful, peace

be upon you.

`Umar replied. Deeply afflicted by the scene of his weakness and over exertion, he asked him,

`What's wrong with you, `Umair?"

"Can't you see I'm healthy, possessing a pure conscience and possessing the whole world?"

`Umar asked, "What do you have with you?"

`Umair replied, "I've a sack in which I carry my food, a bowl in which I eat, my utensils for my

ablution and drink, and a stick to lean on and fight an enemy if he crosses my way. By Allah, the whole

world is an obedient slave of my belongings."

"Did you come walking on foot?" "Yes."

"Didn't you find anyone who would give you an animal to ride on?"

"They didn't offer and I didn't ask them."

"What did you do with what we charged you with?"

"I went to the country to which you sent me. There I gathered all its virtuous inhabitants and made

them in charge of levying the taxes, so when they did that I put the money there where it belongs. If

anything had remained I would have sent it to you."

"Didn't you bring us anything?"


Hereby `Umar shouted, amazed and happy, `Reappoint `Umair." But `Umair replied with complete

composure, "Those were old days. I won't work for you or for anyone else!"

This scene is not a written drama nor an invented conversation. It is a historical event 3 witnessed

by the soil of Al Madiinah, the old capital of Islam during great unforgotten days. What kind of men

were those unparalleled, elevated ones!

Umar (May Allah be pleased with him) was always wishing How much do I wish to have men like

`Umair to assist me in ruling the Muslims!