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He is going to be killed by the unjust party." All the Companions who took part in the building heard the

prophecy and remembered it well. Abd Allah lbn `Amr was one of those who heard it.

At the beginning of the battle between Aliy and Mu'aawiyah's parties, Ammaar ascended a hill

shouting, "Today is the day that we are going to meet Muhammad and his Companions."

A group of Mu'aawiyah's party committed themselves to killing `Ammaar, so they pierced him with

a lance, whereby he fell as a martyr.

The news of `Ammaar's death spread rapidly. `Abd Allah stood up agitatedly and said, "Is it true

that `Ammaar has been killed ? Did you do it? That means you are the unjust party! You are the mislead

warriors!" Like a portent he burst into the army, discouraging the fighters, shouting loudly, "You are the

unjust party as long as it's you who killed Ammaar. The Prophet (PBUH) foresaw his murder by the

unjust party some 27 years ago.

`Abd Allah's words soon reached Mu`aawiyah, who sent for `Amr and his son. He said to Amr,

"Can't you stop your mad man?" `Abd Allah said, "I'm not mad, but I heard the Prophet (PBUH) once

saying to `Ammaar, "You will be killed by the unjust party." Mu'aawiyah continued asking, "Why then,

did you join our party?" `Abd Allah said, "Because the Prophet (PBUH) asked me to obey my father and

I obeyed him joining you, but I didn't fight."

While they were arguing, someone entered asking Mu'aawiyah to permit the entrance of `Ammaar's

murderer. At that moment `Abd Allah shouted, "Let him in and announce the `good news' he is in hell."

Hereby Mu'aawiyah lost his temper despite his calmness and mildness. He shouted to Amr, "Can't

you hear what he is saying?" `Abd Allah continued to ensure Mu'aawiyah that what he was saying was

the truth and that the murderers were no more than unjust tyrants. Then he turned to his father and said,

"Had it not been for the Prophet's order to obey you, I would not have gone out with you.

While inspecting their army, Mu'aawiyah and `Amr were astonished and terrified to hear all the

people talking about the Prophet's prophecy to `Ammaar, You are going to be killed by the unjust party.

`Amr and Mu'aawiyah were afraid that this mere grumble was soon going to turn into a revolt

against Mu'aawiyah. They thought together till they found a cunning trick. They spread the following

words among the people: "Yes, the Prophet (PBUH) said to `Ammaar on that day, You'll be killed by the

unjust party. The Prophet's prophecy is true. `Ammaar has been killed. But who killed him? The true

murderers are those who asked him to go out to fight."

In the midst of such confusion and turmoil, any logic could easily be spread. In this way

Mu`aawiyah's and `Amr's logic prevailed. The battle continued. Abd Allah went back to his mosque and

to his worship.

He lived a life filled with nothing else than worship and adoration. Nevertheless, the mere act of

going out to the battlefield always remained a reason for worry. He never remembered this act without

weeping and saying, "What did I have to do with As-Siffiin?" Why did I bother myself with the killing of


One day, while sitting with some companions in the Prophet's mosque, Al-Hussain lbn `Aliy (May

Allah be pleased with him) passed by and they greeted each other. When Al-Hussain went away `Abd

Allah said to those sitting with him, "Would you like to know the human being most beloved to the

angels? It's the one who just passed by, Al-Hussain lbn `Aliy. He has not talked to me since the Day of

As-Siffin. I would like him to talk to me more than I desire all the blessings of this world."

He decided with Abu Sa'iid Al-Khudriy to visit Al-Hussain. There at Al-Hussain's house the

meeting of these two great men took place. `Abd Allah began to talk. When he mentioned As-Siffiin, Al