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saying that to such an extent that I wished to rid myself of all my deeds and embrace Islam afresh on that

day. No, by Allah, I will never fight anyone saying, There is no god but Allah, after what I have heard

from the Prophet (PBUH).

Usaamah was guided by the wisdom of this lesson throughout his life.

What a wise lesson! A lesson revealing the Prophet's humanity, his justice, the eminence of his

principles, the greatness of his faith and manners. Despite the fact that if was a polytheist warrior who

had been killed by Usaamah, the killing was much regretted by the Prophet (PBUH).

At the same moment this warrior said, "There is no god but Allah," he was holding a sword in his

right hand, a sword upon which pieces of Muslim flesh were still hanging. He said it to save his soul or

to give himself another chance to change his direction or resume fighting.

Nevertheless, because he said it, his blood became inviolate and his life secure and safe at the same

moment and for the same reason, whatever his intention or his inward desire may have been. Usaamah

understood the lesson fully. If the Prophet (PBUH) forbids the killing of a man in such a situation for the

reason that he said, "There is no god but Allah," what about the true believers and true Muslims?

Therefore, Usaamah held a neutral position during the period of the civil strife between Imam `Aliy with

his followers on one hand and Mu'aawiyah on the other.

He loved `Aliy very much and could see the truth on his side. But after having been blamed by the

Prophet (PBUH) for the murder of a polytheist who said, "There is no god but Allah," how could he ever

kill a Muslim believing in Allah and His Prophets? Therefore, he sent a message to `Aliy saying, "If you

were in a lion's jaw, I would love to enter it with you. But I've never seen a situation like this before."

He kept within doors during the whole period of the fighting and war. When some of his companions

came to argue with him over his decision, he simply said, "I will never fight anyone saying, There is no

god but Allah."

Once, one cited' him the verse "And continue fighting them until there is no more persecution and

GOD's Religion prevails" (2:193). He replied, " Those are the polytheists and we fought them until there

wasn't any persecution and Allah's religion prevailed."

In A.H. 54 Usaamah longed to meet with Allah. on that day the gates of Paradise opened to receive

one of the most reverent and pious believers.