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A Hero to the End!

He was a clear image and reflection of Arab chivalry in its depth. His father was As-siddiiq, the first

convert, an incomparable believer, one of two who were in the cave. Despite all that, his son `Abd Ar-

Rahman stuck persistently and firmly to the pagan religion of his clan and to the idols of the Quraish.

At the Battle of Badr, he fought on the side of the Quraish. During the Battle of Uhud he was in the

forefront of the spearmen recruited by the Quraish to combat the Muslims.

Before any fight there was a traditional dueling round (single combat). `Abd Ar-Rahman stood out

asking the Muslims whom they were going to choose to fight with him. His father, Abu Bakr As-siddiiq

(May Allah be pleased with him) rushed out to combat his son. However, the Prophet (PBUH) held him

back, hindering him from doing so.

Any true Arab is primarily characterized by his loyalty to his conviction. Being convinced with a

faith or an idea means being enslaved by such conviction; there is no way to rid himself of it, unless a

new conviction fills his mind and soul without deceit or falsification.

Despite `Abd Ar-Rahman's respect for his father, his trust in his father's rationality, and the

greatness of his manners and soul, despite all that, his loyalty to his conviction proved to be superior. His

father's conversion to Islam did not tempt him to change his conviction.

He remained unchanged, carrying out the responsibilities of his faith and conviction, defending the

idols of the Quraish and fighting under their standard, the way brave warriors do.

As for the noble and powerful men of that type, truth prevails eventually, no matter how long it

takes. Their noble essence, the light of their sincerity is soon going to guide them, uniting them with

guidance and blessing.

The clock of fate struck to announce a new birth for `Abd Ar Rahman. Light of guidance lit up

sweeping away all murkiness, darkness, and devices inherited from pagan days. He soon could visualize

Allah, the One and Only, in all surrounding creatures and things. It was here that guidance deepened its

roots within his soul, it was here he became a Muslim.

Without delay he set off towards the Prophet (PBUH). He became one who returns ever to the

religion of truth. Abu Bakr's face beamed with happiness and delight seeing his son swearing the oath of

allegiance to the Prophet (PBUH).

He had been a true polytheist, but now he was a true Muslim. No greed directed his steps, no fear

pushed him, just a rational, rightly-guided conviction blessed by Allah's guidance and success. Soon he

started to replace previous deeds with doing the best, striving in the cause of Allah, His Prophet and the


During the whole period of the Prophet (PBUH) and the era of caliphs who succeeded him, `Abd

Ar-Rahman never missed a battle nor refrained from taking part in any jihaad.

His endeavor and striving on the Day of Al-Yamaamah will never be forgotten. His firm resistance

and bravery played a great role in achieving victory against the apostate army of Musailamah. It was he,

Abd Ar-Rahman, who killed Muhkam Ibn At-Tufail, Musailamah's schemer and the main guard of the

castle inside which the apostate army took refuge.