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A Representative in Allah's Party !

As one of the Ansaar he was mentioned in the Prophet's words "If the Ansaar chose to move in a

certain direction, I would follow them. By Allah, if there had been no emigration, I would have chosen to

be one of the Ansaar." `Ubaadah Ibn As-saamit was not only one of the Ansaar, but also one of their

reknown leaders whom the Prophet (PBUH) chose to represent their people and tribes. When the first

Ansaar delegation arrived at Makkah to make the oath of allegiance to the Prophet (PBUH), Ubaadah

(May Allah be pleased with him) was one of the 12 believers who pledged allegiance to the Prophet

(PBUH), embraced Islam, and clasped the Prophet's hand in support and loyalty! In the Second Pledge of

Al `Aqabah, `Ubaadah was one of the leaders of the 70 men and two women and also one of the

representatives of the Ansaar who gave his pledge to the Prophet (PBUH) during the Hajj season.

Ever since, Ubaadah never missed a battle or fell short of a sacrifice, as the arena at that time

offered a kaleidoscope of self- sacrifice, valor, courage, and defiance. Since he chose Allah and His

Prophet, he exerted himself to fulfill his obligations towards his religion. Therefore, his loyalty and

obedience to Allah and his relationship with his relatives, allies, and enemies were all molded in a way

so as to be compatible with the faith and conduct that a Muslim should have.

In the past, `Ubaadah's family had been tied in alliance with the Jews of Bani Qainuqaa' in Al-

Madiinah. Since the Prophet and his Companions emigrated to Al-Madiinah, the Jews pretended to be on

good terms with them; but after the Battle of Badr and a little while before the Battle of Uhud the Jews of

Al- Madiinah began to show their true colors. Consequently, one of the Jewish tribes, Bani Qainuqaa',

fabricated reasons for commotion and strife against the Muslims.

As soon as `Ubaadah realized their real intention, he decidedly threw aside their ancient treaty and

said, "I take Allah, His Prophet, and those who have believed in Him as my protectors." The Qur'aan

descended on the Prophet (PBUH) to support, salute, and praise `Ubaadah's loyal and steadfast attitude

saying, " And whosoever takes Allah, His Messenger, and those who have believed as Protectors, then

the party of Allah will be victorious" (5: 56).

Thus, the glorious verse announced the establishment of Allah's party, the members of which were

the believers who stood firm by the Prophet's side and advocated the banner of right guidance and truth.

They were regarded as the blessed blossom of the seed sown by their predecessors, who did their utmost

to support their Messenger and invite people to believe in Allah the Ever-Living, the One Who Sustains

and Protects all that exists. This newly born party of Allah would not only include the Companions of the

Prophet, but also encompass the true believers of all future generations and times until Allah inherits the

earth and whatever is with Him.

`Ubaadah, whose loyal and faithful attitude the verse praised, was not only a representative of the

Al-Khazraj tribe, but was also one of the leaders of the pious and righteous Muslims who would always

be looked upon by future generations throughout the world as a symbol of chivalry and discipline. His

immortal history will forever resound throughout the world.

One day `Ubaadah heard the Prophet talking about the responsibilities and obligations of commanders

and governors and the punishment that awaited any one of them who abused his authority and

manipulated the money entrusted to him. His words shook him so severely that he swore never to accept

command, even over two people. He kept this oath. When the Commander of the Faithful `Umar Ibn Al-

Khattaab (May Allah be pleased with him) became the caliph, he could not prevail on `Ubaadah to

accept any influential position except educating and instructing people in Islamic religion. Indeed, this