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Khabbaab was wrapped in sublime contemplation and deep thought. Then he went home to treat his

wounds and prepare himself for a new round of torture and pain.

From that day, Khabbaab occupied a foremost place among the oppressed and tortured who,

notwithstanding their poverty and weakness, rose against the Quraish's haughtiness, tyranny, and

madness. He was high in rank among those believers who were devoted to the standard of Islam that

fluttered on the boundless horizon. It sounded the end of the era of paganism and despotism to announce

the dawn of a new world, the sovereign of which is Allah, Who is worshipped alone by people who obey

Him and do righteous deeds sincerely for His sake, and not to show off or set up rivals with Him in

worship. Moreover, it announced the glad tidings of the emergence of the weak and oppressed people

who would stand up as one man under the standard of Islam and would stand on equal terms with those

who used and abused them in the past. Khabbaab withstood the consequences that ensued after

embracing Islam with an outstanding courage that was becoming of a pioneer of Islam. Ash-Sha'biy


"Khabbaab withstood all the horrors that the polytheists exposed him too. They went so far as to

place burning stones onto his naked back until his flesh came off." Indeed, Khabbaab had his share of

horrible torture, yet his resistance and patience were extraordinary. For instance, the polytheists of the

Quraish turned all the iron they could find in Khabbaab's place - which he had used to make swords -

into fetters and chains. They put them under the fire until they blazed, then chained his body, hands, and

legs with them.

One day, Khabbaab went with some of his oppressed brethren to the Prophet (PBUH) and said, "O

Messenger of Allah, please ask Allah to bestow his victory and safety on us." This was an expression of

hope in Allah's safety rather than of faint-heartedness and feebleness.

Now, let us hear the story as told by Khabbaab himself: One day, we went to the Prophet and found

him laying his head on a garment in the shade of the Ka'bah, so we said to him, "O Messenger of Allah,

we hope that you will ask Allah to bestow His victory and safety on us." Instantly, the Prophet sat up,

and his face reddened as he said, "Not a long time ago, men like you who believed in Allah used to be

dragged into a ditch where they were sawed from the head downwards, yet this didn't make them turn

back from their religion. They also used to comb them with iron combs that split their flesh and bones,

yet they didn't turn their backs on their religion. Believe me, Allah will put an end to all your sufferings

and grant you victory so much so that one day, a man will travel from San'aa' to Hadramawt and fear no

one but Allah and the wolf, lest it should devour his sheep. But you have no patience."

As soon as Khabbaab and his comrades heard these words, they seemed to have reached the apex of

certainty and determination. Therefore, they decided to show Allah and the Prophet (PBUH) nothing but

will, patience, and self-sacrifice. Khabbaab then walked patiently yet decidedly into the dungeons of hell.

The Quraish were maddened by his steadfastness and endurance; therefore, they decided to seek the

help of his former slave mistress, Umm Ammaar, who became Khabbaab's principal torturer. For

instance, she used to place burning iron on Khabbaab's head, yet Khabbaab deliberately controlled

himself so as to deprive his torturer of the joy of hearing him moan. One day, the Prophet (PBUH) saw

his head burned and blackened by the hot iron. His heart was full of sympathy and anguish, but there was

nothing that he could do at that time but to supplicate Allah to our forth patience on him and strengthen

his faith. Thus the Prophet (PBUH) raised his hands and supplicated,"Allah, make Khabbaab victorious

over the disbelieving people."

Allah brought it about a few days later. Retaliation befell Umm `Ammaar as if destiny meant it as

an ultimatum to the rest of the torturers. She suffered a peculiar, acute rabies attack that made her,

according to historians, bark like dogs. At that time, she was told that the only cure for her ordeal was to

cauterize her head. Finally, her stubborn head burned day and night with burning iron.