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The Trustworthy of This Nation

Who was the man whose right hand the Prophet (PBUH) held and said, `In every nation there exists

a man worthy of all trust and the trustworthy of this nation is Abu `Ubaidah lbn Al- Jarraah." Who was

the man whom the Prophet sent with reinforcements to `Amr Ibn Al-'Aas in the Dhaat As-Salaasil

Expedition and made commander of the army that included `Umar and Abu Bakr? Who was this

Companion who was the first to be called the Commander of the Commanders? Who was that tall, slim

man with gaunt face? Who was that strong, trustworthy man about whom `Umar lbn Al Khattaab said on

his deathbed, "If Abu `Ubaidah Ibn Al-Jarraah were alive, I would have entrusted him with the caliphate,

and if Allah asked me about him, I would say, I assigned the caliphate to the trustworthy of Allah and

His Prophet, Abu `Ubaidah Ibn Al Jarraah.

He embraced Islam at the hands of Abu Bakr As-Siddiiq at the dawn of Islam, even before the

Prophet walked into Daar Al-Arqam. He emigrated to Abyssinia during the second emigration, then

returned to stand by the Prophet at Badr, Uhud, and the rest of the great battles.

Even after the Prophet's death, he continued to be strong and trustworthy in his striving during the

caliphates of Abu Bakr and the Commander of the Faithful `Umar. He renounced the world and endured

its hardships. He pursued his Islam with an admirable asceticism, piety, firmness, and trustworthiness.

When Abu `Ubaidah took the oath of allegiance to the Messenger and dedicated his life in the way of

Allah, he knew exactly what those words "in the way of Allah" meant. Moreover, he was ready to endure

whatever this way required of self-sacrifice and self-denial. From the time he shook hands with the

Prophet as a sign of his pledge, he looked upon himself and his life as something that Allah had entrusted

to him to seek His pleasure and abandon every desire or fear that might distract away from Him. When

Abu `Ubaidah fulfilled his pledge as other Companions did, the Prophet saw in his conscientiousness and

life style that which made him worthy of the epithet he had given him, namely, "The Trustworthy of This


Abu `Ubaidah's trustworthiness towards his responsibilities was one of his most outstanding traits.

For instance, in the Battle of Uhud, he realized from the way the battle was conducted that the

disbelievers' first priority was to kill the great Messenger (PBUH). To them, achieving victory was of

secondary importance compared to killing the Prophet. Therefore, he decided to stay very close to where

he was.

Abu Ubaidah thrust his sword into the army of paganism that craved to put out the light of Allah

once and for all. Whenever the fierce fight led him far away from the Prophet, he fought ferociously

while his eyes were fixed on where the Prophet stood, watching him with great concern. Whenever Abu

`Ubaidah saw a potential danger approaching the Prophet, he jumped swiftly to send the enemies of

Allah on their heels before they could injure the Prophet.

When the fight reached the height of ferocity, a group of disbelievers closed in upon Abu Ubaidah.

Still his eyes were fixed on the Prophet like hawk eyes. Abu `Ubaidah lost his self-control when he saw

an arrow hit the Prophet; yet he recollected himself and thrust his sword into those who closed in upon

him as if his sword were a magic one. Finally, he managed to disperse them and darted towards the

Messenger, who was wiping the noble blood that ran down his face with his right hand, then exclaimed,

`How can they succeed after they tinged with blood the face of their Prophet who invites them to the way

of Allah?"