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Issue 21

Al Fatiha - The Opening - Qur’an Surah 1

The Prophet (S) said that the greatest Surah in the Qur’an was Surat

al-Fatiha which contains the 7 verses frequently used in prayers

and the Qur’an has been revealed upon me. (B) Al-Fatiha can be

recited to invoke God’s help for the sick and injured. (B)

Surat ul-Baqarah - The Cow - Qur’an Surah 2

He (S) said: “Do not make your houses as graveyards. Satan runs

away from the house in which Surah al Baqarah is recited.” “Rejoice

in two lights given to you which have not been given to any prophet

before you. Fatiha (Quran 1: 1-7), and the concluding verses of

Surah al-Baqarah.” (Quran 2:286) You will never recite a letter

from them for which you will not be given (a reward).” (M & Ns)

Ayat ul-Kursi - Qur’an Surah 2 Verse 255

He (S) said: “Abu Mundhir, which verse from the Book of Allah is

the greatest?” I replied, ‘Allah, there is no god but He, the Living,

the Eternal.’ Thereupon He (S) struck me on my breast and said:

‘May knowledge be pleasant for you, O Abu Mundhir.’ (M & AD)

Surat ul-Kahf - The Cave - Qur’an Surah 18

He (S) said: “If anyone learns by heart the first ten verses of Surah

al-Kahf, he will be protected from the Dajjal (Anti-Christ).” (M& AD

& Ns & T) He (S) said: “If anyone recites Surah al-Kahf on Friday, a

light will shine brightly for him till the next Friday.” (Ns)

Surat Ya-Sin - Qur’an Surah 36

He (S) said: “The heart of the Qur’an is Ya-Sin. Any man who re-

cites it wanting (in love of) Allah and the hereafter will be forgiven.

Recite it over your dying men.” (Ah & AD & Ns)

Surat al-Waaqi’ah - The Event - Qur’an Surah 56

He (S) said: “Whoever reads Surah Al-Waaq’iah every night, star-

vation (poverty) shall not afflict him. (Al Baihiqi)





Muslims should get in the habit of remembering Allah in everything

we do. In the following pages, readers will find the supplications

(du’aas) for many different things. And who better to follow and

learn from than our Holy Prophet (SAW). He (SAW) was the per-

fect role model because his actions and behavior were exemplary.

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) always had the remembrance of Allah

in thoughts, actions, and sayings. We, too, should try and emulate

his (SAW) behavior by learning how to keep remembrance of Allah

in our daily lives. Between the time we get up and the time we go

to sleep, there is a du’a for almost every act of our lives. During

the holy month of Ramadan, let us spend time memorizing these

supplications to ensure that we are constantly thanking Allah for

his multitude of blessings on us.

(There is no god but Allah). (T & IM)

“There are two expressions which are light on the tongue but heavy

in scale and are dear to the Compassionate One (Allah). These two

phrases are:


(Glorified be Allah and His is the Praise.)

‘Subha-nal-lahil Adeem’

(Glorified be Allah, the Most Exalted).” (B)


“The dearest words to Allah are four:


(Glory be to Allah)


(Praise be to Allah)

‘Allahu Akbar’

(God is the Greatest)

‘La ilaha illallah’

(There is no god but Allah)

There is no difference in which order you say them (while remem-

bering Allah).” (M)


Once the Prophet (S) left to pray Fajr Salat from (his wife’s home)

while she was offering prayer. When he (S) returned after Ishraq

prayer, she was still sitting on her prayer carpet. On this he (S) said

to her: “Have you been continuously sitting in the same place since

I left you?” She replied, “Yes.” Thereupon he (S) said: “After I left

you, I have recited four sentences three times; and if they could be

measured against what you have recited since morning they would

prove weightier. These four sentences are:

“Subhanal lahi wa bi ham-di-hi ada-da Khal-qihi wa rida’a naf-sihi

wa zina-ta ‘ar-shi-hi wa mida-da Kale-mate-hi.”

(Glory be to Allah and praise is due to Him, according to the number

of His creation and according to His pleasure and corresponding to

the weight of His Throne and as much as the ink [used in recording]

His words). (M)


“Whoever says,

‘La illaha illallah, wah-dahu la sharika lah, Lahul-mulku wa lahul

hamd, wa huwa ‘ala Kul-li shayin Qadeer.’

(There is no god but Allah, alone, without any partner. The Kingdom

and praise belong to Him and He has power over everything.)

...100 times a day, will have a recompense equal to that of freeing

ten slaves. Also, 100 good actions are written for him, 100 wrong

actions are erased from him, and it is a protection from Satan for

that day until the night. No one does anything more excellent than

someone who does more than that.” (B & M)


“Is one amongst you powerless to get one thousand virtues every

day?” Amongst those who had been sitting there, one asked, ‘How

can one amongst us get one thousand virtues every day?’ He (S)

said, “Say:

‘Subhan Allah’

(Glory be Allah)

...100 times. For (by reciting them), one thousand virtues are re-

corded (to your credit) and one thousand vices are blotted out.” (M)





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/ P
