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The Islamic Bulletin










On the authority of Abu Hurayrah, may God be pleased with him

who said: The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant

him peace, said...

Through this phrase millions of Muslims from the early history of

Islam to the present have come to be familiar with the name Abu

Hurayrah. In speeches and lectures, in Friday khutbahs and semi-

nars, in the books of hadith and sirah, fiqh and ibadah.

Through his prodigious efforts, hundreds of ahadith or sayings of the

Prophet were transmitted to later generations. No other person has

narrated as many Ahadith as he has done. Ibn Jauzi has attributed as

many as 5,374 Ahadith to him. His is the foremost name in the roll

of hadith transmitters. Next to him comes the names of such com-

panions as Abdullah the son of Umar, Anas the son of Malik, Umm

al-Mumininin Aishah, Jabir ibn Abdullah and Abu Said al-Khudri all

of whom transmitted over a thousand sayings of the Prophet.

Abu Hurayrah became a Muslim at the hands of at-Tufayl ibn Amr

the chieftain of the Daws tribe to which he belonged. The Daws

lived in the region of Tihamah which stretches along the coast of

the Red Sea in southern Arabia. When at-Tufayl returned to his vil-

lage after meeting the Prophet and becoming a Muslim in the early

years of his mission, Abu Hurayrah was one of the first to respond

to his call. He was unlike the majority of the Daws who remained

stubborn in their old beliefs for a long time.

When at-Tufayl visited Makkah again, Abu Hurayrah accompanied

him. There he had the honor and privilege of meeting the noble

Prophet who asked him: “What is your name?”

“Abdu Shams - Servant of a Sun,” he replied.

“Instead, let it be Abdur-Rahman - the Servant of the Beneficent

Lord,” said the Prophet.

“Yes, Abdur-Rahman (it shall be) O Messenger of God,” he replied.

However, he continued to be known as Abu Hurayrah, “the kitten

man”, literally “the father of a kitten” because like the Prophet he

was fond of cats and since his childhood often had a cat to play with.

Abu Hurayrah stayed in Tihamah for several years and it was only at the

beginning of the seventh year of the Hijrah that he arrived in Madinah

with others of his tribe. The Prophet had gone on a campaign to Khaybar.

Being destitute, Abu Hurayrah took up his place in the Masjid with other

of the Ahl as-Suffah. He was single, without wife or child. With himhow-

ever was his mother who was still a mushrik (unbeliever). He longed, and

prayed, for her to become a Muslim but she adamantly refused. One

day, he invited her to have faith in God alone and followHis Prophet but

she uttered some words about the Prophet which saddened him greatly.

With tears in his eyes, he went to the noble Prophet who said to him:

“What makes you cry, O Abu Hurayrah?”

“I have not let up in inviting my mother to Islam but she has always

rebuffed me. Today, I invited her again and I heard words from

her which I do not like. Do make supplication to God Almighty to

make the heart of Abu Hurayrah’s mother incline to Islam.”

The Prophet responded to Abu Hurayrah’s request and prayed for

his mother. Abu Hurayrah said: “I went home and found the door

closed. I heard the splashing of water and when I tried to enter my

mother said: “Stay where you are, O Abu Hurayrah.” And after

putting on her clothes, she said, “Enter!” I entered and she said: “I

testify that there is no god but Allah and I testify that Muhammad

is His Servant and His Messenger.”

“I returned to the Prophet, peace be on him, weeping with joy

just as an hour before I had gone weeping from sadness and said:

“I have good news, O Messenger of Allah. God has responded to

your prayer and guided the mother of Abu Hurayrah to Islam.”

Abu Hurayrah loved the Prophet a great deal and found favor with

him. He was never tired of looking at the Prophet whose face ap-

peared to him as having all the radiance of the sun and he was never

tired of listening to him. Often he would praise God for his good for-

tune and say: “Praise be to God Who has guided Abu Hurayrah to

Islam.” Praise be to God Who has taught Abu Hurayrah the Quran.”

“Praise be to God who has bestowed on Abu Hurayrah the com-

panionship of Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him

peace.” On reaching Madinah, Abu Hurayrah set his heart on at-

taining knowledge. Zayd ibn Thabit the notable companion of the

Prophet reported: “While Abu Hurayrah and I and another friend

of mine were in the Masjid praying to God Almighty and perform-

ing dhikr to Him, the Messenger of God appeared. He came to-

wards us and sat among us. We became silent and he said: “Carry

on with what you were doing.”

“So my friend and I made a supplication to God before Abu Hu-

rayrah did and the Prophet began to say Ameen to our dua.

“Then Abu Hurayrah made a supplication saying: “O Lord, I ask

You for what my two companions have asked and I ask You for

knowledge which will not be forgotten.”

“The Prophet, peace be on him, said: ‘Ameen.’ We then said: ‘And

we ask Allah for knowledge which will not be forgotten, and the

Prophet replied: ‘The Dawsi youth has asked for this before you.’”

With his formidable memory, Abu Hurayrah set out to memorize

in the four years that he spent with the Prophet, the gems of wis-

dom that emanated from his lips. He realized that he had a great

gift and he set about to use it to the full in the service of Islam.

He had free time at his disposal. Unlike many of the Muhajirin he

did not busy himself in the market-places, with buying and selling.

Unlike many of the Ansar, he had no land to cultivate nor crops to

tend. He stayed with the Prophet in Madinah and went with him

on journeys and expeditions.

Many companions were amazed at the number of hadith he had

memorized and often questioned him on when he had heard a

certain hadith and under what circumstances.

Once Marwan ibn al-Hakam wanted to test Abu Hurayrah’s pow-

er of memory. He sat with him in one room and behind a curtain

he placed a scribe, unknown to Abu Hurayrah, and ordered him

to write down whatever Abu Hurayrah said. A year later, Mar-

wan called Abu Hurayrah again and asked him to recall the same

ahadith which the scribe had recorded. It was found that he had

forgotten not a single word.

Abu Hurayrah was concerned to teach and transmit the ahadith he

had memorized and knowledge of Islam in general. It is reported

that one day he passed through the suq (market) of Madinah and

naturally saw people engrossed in the business of buying and selling.

“How feeble are you, O people of Madinah!” he said.

“What do you see that is feeble in us, Abu Hurayrah?” they asked.

“The inheritance of the Messenger of God, peace be on him, is

being distributed and you remain here! Won’t you go and take

your portion?”

“Where is this, O Abu Hurayrah?” They asked.

“In the Masjid,” he replied.

Quickly they left. Abu Hurayrah waited until they returned. When

they saw him, they said: “O Abu Hurayrah, we went to the Masjid

and entered and we did not see anything being distributed.”

“Didn’t you see anyone in the Masjid?” he asked.

“O yes, we saw some people performing Salat, some people read-

ing the Quran and some people discussing about what is halal and

what is haram.”

“Woe unto you,” replied Abu Hurayrah,” that is the inheritance of

Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace.”

Abu Hurayrah underwent much hardship and difficulties as a re-

sult of his dedicated search for knowledge. He was often hungry

and destitute. He said about himself:

“When I was afflicted with severe hunger, I would go to a com-

panion’ of the Prophet and asked him about an ayah of the Quran

and (stay with him) learning it so that he would take me with him

to his house and give food.”

One day, my hunger became so severe that I placed a stone on my

stomach. I then sat down in the path of the companions. Abu Bakr

passed by and I asked him about an ayah of the Book of God. I

only asked him so that he would invite me but he didn’t.

“Then Umar ibn al-Khattab passed by me and I asked him about

an ayah but he also did not invite me. Then the Messenger of

God, peace be on him, passed by and realized that I was hungry

and said: “Abu Hurayrah!”

“At your command” I replied and followed him until we entered

his house. He found a bowl of milk and asked his family: “From

where did you get this?”

“Someone sent it to you” they replied.

He then said to me: “O Abu Hurayrah, go to the Ahl as-Suffah

and invite them.” Abu Hurayrah did as he was told and they all

drank from the milk.

The time came of course when the Muslims were blessed with

great wealth and material goodness of every description. Abu Hu-

rayrah eventually got his share of wealth. He had a comfortable

home, a wife and child. But this turn of fortune did not change

his personality. Neither did he forget his days of destitution. He

would “I grew up as an orphan and I emigrated as a poor and

indigent person. I used to take food for my stomach from Busrah

bint Ghazwan. I served people when they returned from journeys

and led their camels when they set out. Then God caused me to

marry her (Busrah). So praise be to God who has strengthened his

religion and made Abu Hurayrah an imam.” (This last statement is

a reference to the time when he became governor of Madinah.)

Much of Abu Hurayrah’s time would be spent in spiritual exercises

and devotion to God. Qiyam al-Layl (staying up for the night in

prayer and devotion) was a regular practice of his family includ-

ing his wife and his daughter. He would stay up for a third of the

night, his wife for another third and his daughter for a third. In this

way, in the house of Abu Hurayrah no hour of the night would

pass without ibadah, dhikr and Salat.

During the caliphate of Umar, Umar appointed him as governor

of Bakrain. Umar was very scrupulous about the type of persons

whom he appointed as governors. He was always concerned

that his governors should live simply and frugally and not acquire

much wealth even though this was through lawful means.

In Bahrain, Abu Hurayrah became quite rich. Umar heard of this

and recalled him to Madinah. Umar thought he had acquired his

wealth through unlawful means and questioned him about where

and how he had acquired such a fortune. Abu Hurayrah replied:

“From breeding horses and gifts which I received.” “Hand it over

to the treasury of the Muslims,” ordered Umar.

Abu Hurayrah did as he was told and raised his hands to the heavens

and prayed: “O Lord, forgive the Amir al-Muminin.” Subsequently,

Umar asked him to become governor once again but he declined.

Umar asked him why he refused and he said: “So that my honor

would not be besmirched, my wealth taken and my back beaten.”

And he added: “And I fear to judge without knowledge and speak

without wisdom.”

Throughout his life Abu Hurayrah remained kind and courteous to

his mother. Whenever he wanted to leave home, he would stand at

the door of her room and say: As-salaamu alaykum, yaa ummataah,

wa rahrnatullahi wa barakatuhu, peace be on you, mother, and

th e mercy and blessings of God.” She would reply: “Wa alayka-s

salaam, yaa bunayya, wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu - And on you

be peace, my son, and the mercy and blessings of God.” Often, he

would also say: “May God have mercy on you as you cared for me

when I was small,” and she would reply: “May God have mercy on

you as you delivered me from error when I was old.”

One day he saw two men walking together, one older than the

other. He asked the younger one: “What is this man to you?” “My

father,” the person replied. “Don’t call him by his name. Don’t walk

in front of him and don’t sit before him,” advised Abu Hurayrah.

Muslims owe a debt of gratitude to Abu Hurayrah for helping to

preserve and transmit the valuable legacy of the Prophet, may

God bless him and grant him peace. He died in the year 59 AH

when he was seventy-eight years old.