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The Islamic Bulletin









By Harun Yahya

On his way to school every day, Joseph walks over to the garden of

the house across the street and waits there for a while. A very special

friend of his lives in this garden. No one knows this friend, but Joseph

loves him a lot. Joseph never forgets to visit his friend, and enjoys their

friendship a lot.

After all, he has a friendwho ismore intelligent than anyone else. Despite

being very small in size, his friendcandomany important


is also

veryhard-working.Hedoes all of his jobs verywell andat theproper time,

just as if he was a soldier in an army. Although he does not go to school

like Joseph, he successfully carries out the many tasks which he needs to

do in his life. You are wondering who this little friend is, aren’t you?

Joseph’s secret friend is a little ant, who can do many wonderful things.

You may never have heard how skilful and intelligent ants are. Some of

youmay even think of themas simple insects that wander around all day

without doing anything. But thoseof youwho think like that aremistaken,

becauseants, just likemanyother living things, alsohavea lifeof their own.

Ant families are very big. For instance, you probably have a family of

4-5 people. In an ant family, however, there are sometimes millions of

ants. Now think for a minute: if you had millions of brothers and sisters,

would you be able to live in a single house? Surely not!

The astonishing features of ants do not end here. Despite the fact that

millions of them live together, they have no problems with each other,

no mix-ups and no disorder. They live an extremely well planned life

with everyone obeying the rules.

Some ant families do tailoring, others grow their own food like farmers,

and yet others run small farms where they raise some smaller animals.

In the same way as human beings breed cows and use their milk, ants

breed small plant lice (aphids) and use their milk.

Weaver ants are skilful tailors. They combine leaves by pulling them

from two sides and sewing the leaves together. In this way, they make

a nice home for themselves.

Joseph: I first noticed him when I saw his tiny head emerging from the

earth. His head attracted my attention, as it was a bit bigger than his

body. I wondered why his head was like that and started to watch this

tiny friend of mine. The big head on his little bodywas helping himserve

as a guard at the entrance of the nest. Do you want to know ‘how?’ He

was checkingwhether the ants that attempted to enter the nest belonged

to his own family or not, and did not let them in if they were strangers.

Soon after seeing him, I met him and asked him to tell me what was

happening inside. My little friend understood my curiosity, and started

to tell me about it. What I was wondering most was how the ants with

big heads recognized their nest-mates and let them in. ...and these are

my hard-working friends.

The Ant: Joseph, let me first tell you that we call our families a ‘colony.’

In other words, we live in communities called colonies. An ant can

easily tell whether another ant belongs to its own colony or not. He

does it by touching the other ant’s body with his antenna, (thin little

rods coming out of the top of his head) which helps him to distinguish

strangers, thanks to the ‘colony scent’ they have. If the ant is a stranger,

then we cannot let him into our home. Moreover, we may even have

to use force to send him away.


security.Theyneverhesitatetogetintoafight toprotecttheirnestandfriends.

Joseph was surprised to hear about their perfect security system and

wondered how strangers that tried to enter the nest dared to do so.

When he shared this thought with his friend, he smiled at him and said

that there were many other things that would surprise him.

The Ant then said: “Let me tell now you about the inside of our nest,

which youwere eager to knowabout. Our colonies consist of the queen

ant, male ants, soldiers, and worker ants.

The queen andmale ants keepour species going. The queen is larger than

all of us. The duty of themales is tomake the queen give birth to newants.

Soldiers are responsible for protectingour colony, hunting, and fi dingnew

places for nests. The last group consists of theworker ants.Worker ants are

all sterile female ants. That is, they cannot give birth to newants. They take

care of the queen and her babies, and clean and feed them.

In addition, they also have to do all the other jobs in the colony. They

build new corridors in the nest, search for food, and clean the nest

up. The worker and soldier ants also divide into smaller groups among

themselves. Some of these are breeders, builders, and food-hunters. Each

group has a different job. While one group fights off enemies or hunts,

another group builds the nest, and yet another takes care of the cleaning

and repairs of the nest.”

As Joseph’s little friend explained all that, he listened to himwithwonder,

and then asked him: “Do you never get bored, waiting at the entrance

of the nest all the time? What is your duty in the nest?”

The Ant replied: “I am also a worker, and my duty is to serve here as a

doorman. As you see, my head is big enough to cover the entrance hole

of the nest. I am pleased that I have this ability, and I carry out my duty

with great pleasure. I never get bored; on the contrary, I am very glad

that I protect friends from threats.”

Joseph couldn’t help but be amazed at his answer. Ants were working

all the time to help others, with no thought for them selves and without

any problems-something even people cannot manage most of the time.

From what his little friend told him, he could easily understand that

the work of the nest was perfectly divided up between the ants. It was

obvious that the life of ants was very well-ordered and all the ants had

to be quite unselfish. Then he wondered whether they had any fight

amongst themselves because some of them claimed that they were

better or stronger than others. His friend said that nothing like that ever

happened and added:

“We are a big family, Joseph. There is no jealousy, competition, or ambi


tion among us. We always help each other and do our best to serve the

colony. Everything in the colony is based on sacrifice. Each ant thinks of

the good of his friends first, and only then of himsel .

Let me give you an example. When there is a shortage of food in the

colony, the worker ants immediately change into ‘feeder’ ants, and start

feeding others with the food in their reserve stomachs. When there is

enough food in the colony, they again become worker ants. I used to

hear people saying that there is competition among living things in na


ture. Never believe what they say. We know very well that we have to

cooperate to be successful.”

Joseph said that what he had told him about himself and his colony was

a very good example of this. He was very glad to know that God had

created him so unselfish, helpful and so fond of his friends. After what he

told him, he decided to be at least as thoughtful of others as ants were,

and be a good person whom God loves.

Whenmentioning thebeeswhohaveasocial order similar tothatof theants,

Allah states in theQur’an that this social order has been “revealed” to them:

“And your Lord revealed to the bee: ‘Builddwellings in themountains

and the trees and also in the structures which men erect. Then eat

fromevery kind of fruit and travel the paths of your Lord, which have

been made easy for you to follow.’ From inside them comes a drink

of varying colors, containing healing for mankind. There is certainly

a sign in that for people who reflect.” (an-Nahl: 68-69

The verse conveys the message that everything the honey bees do is

governed by a “revelation” Allah has given to them. Accordingly, all the

“homes”, that is, hives - and therefore the entire social order in these

hives - and all the work they perform to make honey, are made possible

by an inspiration Allah has given them.

Whenwe look at ants, we see that things are no different for themeither.

Allah has inspired in them a social order also and they abide by it abso


lutely. This is the reasonwhy each groupof ant performs the duty assigned

to it perfectly with absolute self-surrender and does not strive for more.

A story tells that two friends were walking through

the dessert, at a specific point of the journey, they

had an argument, and one of them slapped the

other one in the face. The one, who got slapped,

was hurt but without anything to say he wrote in

the sand:

“Today, my best friend slapped me in the face.”

They kept on walking until they found an oasis

where they decided to take a bath. The one who

got slapped and hurt started drowning and the

other friend saved him. When he recovered from

the fright, he wrote on a stone:

“Today my best friend saved my life.”

The friend who saved and slapped his best friend

asked him, “Why after I hurt you, you wrote in

the sand, and now you write on a stone?”

The other friend, smiling, replied:

“When a friend hurts us, we should write it down

in the sand, where the winds of forgiveness get

in charge of erasing it away, and when something

great happens, we should engrave it in the stone

of the memory of the heart, where no wind can

erase it.”

Learn to write in the sand.

“A real friend is one who walks in when the rest

of the world walks out.”



- 2 pounds of Lamb (or Chicken, or Beef)

- 7 Tomatoes (blended) or 2 table spoons of paste

- ½ cup of garbanzo beans

- 1 Tablespoon of Oil

- 1 Onion (chopped)

- 1 Carrot

- 1 Zucchini

- ¼ cup chopped Cilantro

- ½ cup chopped Parsley

- ¼ teaspoon of Black Pepper

- ¼ teaspoon of Cinnamon

- ½ cup of Orzo pasta or another soup Pasta


1. Wash, slice, and puree the tomatoes.

2. Cut the meat in 1 inch cubes.

3. Brown the meat and chopped onion in the oil on

medium heat.

4. Add the chopped cilantro, parsley, and all the spices

and continue to cook.

5. Add enough water to cover the meat (approx. ½

the pot full) and bring to a boil. Cover and let simmer

for about 30 minutes.

6. Now add the carrot and zucchini (whole) to the

boiling pot, along with the pureed tomatoes.

7. When the meat is tender and the vegetables are

cooked, take out the carrot and zucchini and puree

them in a blender. Return to pot.

8. Now add enough water to achieve the needed

quantity, along with any tomato paste, if necessary.

9. Add the pasta and cook until done.

Serve with slices of lemon.




