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The Islamic Bulletin

Dear Neighbors:

I amwriting to you because I do not know

the address of the Mosque I pass on my

way to the Farmer’s Market on Alemany

Boulevard, nor how to write to the people

who shop at the market with me. I hope

you will pass my letter on. I want to tell

you how valuable it is to me that we share

this community. I’m so glad to live some-

where that everyday reminds me that my

small way of life may be different from my

neighbor’s and, thatwe can still live together

peacefully and fruitfully.

I especially love my Saturday morning

trips to the Farmer’s Market. I cross Mis-

sion Street and pass the Mosque, often

just as people are standing outside talking. It reminds me that the

sun is up, or rising and it reminds me to thank God for my day.

The market is a microcosm of how the world could be: everyone

being themselves, rejoicing in shopping with others who are very

different from them. We share recipes and explore new flavors.

I have learned from a Muslim woman in a shawl how to use the

mysterious leaves I see everyone buying and from a Chinese woman

with big strong hands how to prepare lemon grass. I’ve shown an

Afghan man in a wool hat how to prepare and eat an artichoke.

I know that you have been attacked, sent hate mail and suffered

threatening telephone calls. I hope this letter of friendship and

thanksgiving that you are my neighbors will in some small way help

to heal the wounds that should not have been inflicted upon you.

In God’s love,

Martha Stookey, San Francisco, CA

Dear Editor:

My husband and I are originally fromDetroit, Michigan and convert-

ed to Islam sometime ago. I had been reading and following your

newsletter while I was living in the US. To learn more about this

beautiful religion, we moved to Makkah, Saudi Arabia. My family

always looks forward to every issue of your newsletter. I wanted to

share this letter with other readers about my mother-in-law.

We used todiscuss the religion of Islamwithmy husband’s family.When

my oldest daughter was a little over a year old she had pneumonia and

was eventually hospitalized. My mother-in-law came to stay with us

and help. During that time she asked us about salat (prayer) and even

hadme showher how tomakewudhu (ablution). Shewas very close to

becoming Muslim, but felt that she would be betraying God, to whom

she had always turned, by joining another


explained to her

that it was the SAMEGODand that Islamwas His religion. She hesitated

and then returned home when all was well with our family.

Years passed and we continued to discuss things with her. She was

the most open of his family; his father, the least open. About 15 years

ago his father died. We still talked to her but she was hesitant and

then finall , one day after a frustrating argument about the prophets,

peace be upon them, I told my husband that I didn’t think that she









wouldever becomeMuslim.MayAllah forgiveme. I read a hadith (sayings

of theProphet PBUH) a long timeago (don’t askme for the source) that said

words to the effect that you should never say that the people are finished

My mother-in-law (she was 70 years old then) came to visit us from

the States. We took an apartment in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia which was

located near a masjid and stayed there for a month. When she first

heard the adhan, she said that she had heard it in her sleep years

ago - she lived in the midst of Detroit where, at that time, there

were no mosques in the area where she lived. When we went to

the souq (market) and she saw how the shops all closed for salat,

she said, “This is truly a people who think about God.”

Unbeknownst to us, she was asking our children how to make

wudhu, how to pray, and about various beliefs. Subhaanallah, they

never told us anything! At the end of a month, she came to us and

told us she wanted to become Muslim. It was a shock, a pleasant

shock! We went down to the court; she declared the shahaadah

and the next day we packed up and headed for home - Makkah.

We made Umrah with her and performed made many salats in

Makkah, at the Haram. She was really cute on Umrah. We had

completed 2 saie (rounds) and she turned to me and said, “Well,

that’s not so bad.” I smiled and told her that we had 5 more to go.

We proceeded slowly, stopping and sitting on the side once or twice.

When it was completed, she said she was glad that it was encouraged

to do at least once in a Muslim’s life. I laughed. At one gathering, we

were sitting on the side and I was trying to tell her that she was of

an age where she didn’t have to wear hijab. I was trying to put it in

a nice way that once a woman reached an age where she no longer

was of marriageable age, she did not have to wear it. Before I could

get the words all the way out, she cut me a look that let me know

that SHE didn’t consider herself in that category, so I just dropped it.

We taught her salat and I made diagrams for her with transliterations

of the words with the meanings. Unfortunately, all of this coincided

with the war. Her daughter and sons in the States kept calling and

telling her to get out of Saudi Arabia because there was going to be a

war. We sent her home reluctantly. I wanted to workmore with her on

her salat. It was really sad to see her go. She was a tall, proud looking

womanwho got on that planewearing hijab and a beige abaya (cloak).

We kept in constant touch. About 9months later she excitedly called to

tell us that she had memorized Suratul Fatiha (Opening Chapter), and

was trying to keep her fast for Ramadan. Due to the fact that she had

hypertension and had special medication to take at certain times during

the day, she was extremely saddened that she was unable to keep her

fast. That following Hajj, my husband performed Hajj on her behalf.

During the summer when school let out, we were headed back to

Detroit-- tickets in hand and all. My husband’s sister called and gave

us the devastating news that my mother-in-law had died. I was so

stunned and saddened that we would not see her again that the

telephone slipped out of my hand. We rushed home to lead her

Janazah (funeral). His sister arranged that her grave be in a separate

plot in the cemetery FACING MAKKAH. We did not even ask her to

do that. SubhanAllah, I always thank Allah that there was not a lot of

disagreement involving the funeral and washing the body, etc., as can

happen when one person is Muslim and the rest of the family is not.

Many people came to the funeral and as a result asked my husband

many questions about Islam. I constantly pray for Allah’s mercy and

forgiveness for the woman who gave birth to the man I married, who

became Muslim with me on the same day as I did, who fathered my

6 children and remains with me in Makkah to this day. She was the

best possible mother-in-law. She was my sister and mother in Islam. I

pray for her and my daughters after every single salat. May Allah grant

her Paradise and may we be able to join her on that DAY of days.

O Allah, grant us the good of this life, the good of the next life and

protect us from the Fire. O Allah, let our last days be the best days

of our life and our last deeds be the best of our deeds, and let the

best day be the day we meet You.

Umm Rafiq, Makka







Web Address:


Editor, Islamic Bulletin

P.O. Box 410186

San Francisco, CA 94141-0186, USA





By Yusuf Islam (Formerly Cat Stevens)

Sadly for all of us, the world seems to have lost its balance and is

now reeling out of control. A violent group cold-bloodedly mur-

dered innocent civilians, hijacked a religion and a large army

is out for justice - but more innocent lives will get destroyed.

It seems to me that someone like myself, having seen life from

both sides-East and West-is rightly placed to comment and

confront certain myths and try to reduce the demonization of

a religion, which is still appallingly misrepresented.

In an old song of mine which today uncannily seems to sound

like a metaphor for September 11, “Tuesday’s Dead.” I wrote,

“I’m like him, just like you, I can’t tell you what to do, like

everybody else I’m searching through what I’ve heard.”

Like other Westerners, I was wary of approaching Islam when

I converted 23 years ago. I found that my songs were asking

questions,” Islam said. “But I was averse to religious dogma ... I

wanted a more spiritual way of finding what’s right and wrong.”

During this personal search, I wrote well-known songs, such as

“Peace Train.” I never said where the train was going. I didn’t

know. The train was a symbol, rolling on the edge of darkness,”

Islam said.

In my search for answers, I turned to Buddhism, Eastern mysti-

cism and even Pythagoras of my own Greek heritage. However,

it was not my own search, but my brother David Gordon’s

travels that led me to the Islamic religion. After returning from

a trip to Jerusalem, David bought me a copy of an English

translation of the Qur’an as a present.

I discovered something different from the negative images por-

trayed. As well as belief in the one God of this universe, it was

quite a revelation to find that the word Islam itself came from

Salam or “Peace.” A notion light years away from the violence

and destruction we have all seen in recent weeks.

Scanning through the pages of the Qur’an back in the late

1970s, it amazed me how close Islam was to my religious

upbringing as a child. Prayer and charity, paradise and angels

were mentioned; the Gospels and Torah of Jesus and Moses

respectively were referred to.

Soon, the Quran was carrying me beyond home and custom-

ary landscapes, to a new religious shore inhabited by people

I was always told to be suspicious of-Arabs and Muslims. But

surprisingly, the Quran was full of stories and instruction from

the history of mankind as a whole.

It did not speak in favor of one special race against others. It

said although we may be from different countries and tribes,

we were all human born of the same original parents, Adam

and Eve.

The Quran directly says: “The best of people are the most

God-conscious.” In 1977 I was listening, and quietly decided

to embrace Islam.

Since then, I am still surprised how little people know about a

religion of over one billion fellow humans. After the nightmare

of September 11 and what followed, it’s vital that people get

to understand more about Muslim beliefs. This is why I feel it

is necessary to write and shine a searchlight on Islam’s hidden


Most newcomers to a faith go through an initially zealous

phase-call it “born again” -followed by a period of measure

and maturity. Muhammad Ali, the boxer, is good example of

that learning curve. I was no different. All I wanted was to be

as far away from showbiz lights as possible.

So suddenly it was blackout. I stopped drinking but still contin-

ued in the studio to make records. Naturally, what the public

didn’t see was my spiritual growth, subtly softening the ragged

edges of my character. The media likes big paintbrushes and,

as usual, bypassed such details.

I announced the end of my career as Cat Stevens and sold all

my instruments, giving the proceeds to charity. Having assumed

my new name-Yusuf (as in the story of Joseph, son of Jacob)

Islam-I grew my beard slightly longer and donned long white

clothes-an image which instead of representing a spiritual

disciple, to untrained westerners’ eyes, now looks shockingly

similar to their idea of public enemy No. 1.

Drinking, partying, celebrity girlfriends-turning my back on

such a life-style was newsworthy for a time, but it wasn’t really

gossipy enough to continue writing about.

But at that time it was impossible for me to explain, so I shunned

interviews and flashbulbs. The small number of fish-lens pho-

tos and garbled headlines that did come out, for many, were

nothing but a confirmation that the Wild World I’d sang about

had gone a bit wilder.

But beyond the well-known “O Baby, Baby it’s a Wild World,”

chorus line, only a few recognized how uncannily some songs

had double-tracked my future. The song, “The Boy with a Moon

and Star on His Head”, almost paints the whole story. Peace

Train, Changes IV, Morning Has Broken--the list goes on and

on. In one explicit lyric, “On The Road To Find Out,” I actually

mention picking up a “good book”!

For years after entering Islam I was too busy raising a family

and establishing schools for little Muslim children to stop and

explain. I didn’t realize how vital communication with the

public was.

At that time most of the media didn’t seem very interested in

my new life anyway-they were waiting for another sensational

headline. That ungraciously came with the publication of the

“Satanic Verses.” Lamentably, what most people missed in that

whole chapter was in the small print.