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The Prophet (PBUH) said, "Allah has honored us with a better salutation than yours. It is As-

Salaam, the salutation of the believers in Paradise."

Umair said, " O, Muhammad, by Allah I have heard it recently."

The Prophet (PBUH) said, "What made you come, `Umair?" `Umair said, "I have come for the sake

of this captive in your hands." The Prophet (PBUH) said, " Tell the truth, `Umair, what have you come

for ?" `Umair, "I have come for that purpose." The Prophet (PBUH) said, "But you sat with Safwaan Ibn

Umaiyah at Al-hijir and mentioned those of Al-Qalub from the Quraish, then you said, were it not for my

debts and my children, I would ride and kill Muhmmad. Safwaan promised to repay your debts and

maintain your children on condition that you kill me, but Allah prevented you from doing so."

At the moment, `Umair cried, "I witness that there is no god but Allah and that you are His Prophet.

That matter wasn't attended by anyone except Safwaan and me. By Allah, Allah told it to you. Praise be

to Allah who guided me to Islam." The Prophet (PBUH) said to his companions, "Teach your brother the

religion and how to reach the Qur'aan and set free the prisoner of war."

Thus, `Umair Ibn Wahb embraced Islam. Thus, the Satan of Quraish was so overwhelmed by the light

of the Prophet (PBUH) and the light of Islam that, in a moment, he embraced Islam and turned into the

Disciple of Islam.

`Umar Ibn Al-Khattaab, (may Allah be pleased with him) said, "By Allah, I hated him more than I

hated a pig, when he appeared. But now, I love him more than I love some of my sons."

`Umair sat thinking deeply about the tolerance of this religion and the greatness of its Prophet. He

remembered his previous days in Makkah when he was arguing and fighting against Islam before the

Hijrah of the Prophet (PBUH) and his Companions to Al-Madiinah. Then he remembered his fighting on

the Day of Badr and his coming on this day to kill the Prophet. All that was abolished in a moment of

saying, "There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger."

What tolerance! What purity, what self confidence that this great religion carries. At such a moment

Islam abolished all his previous sins, Muslims forgave all his crimes and hate, opened their hearts and

embraced him. Is not he whose sword is still glimmering in front of their eyes, planning with devilish

intention to commit the most ignoble deed? All that was forgotten and nothing was mentioned. `Umair

became in a single moment, one of the Muslims and one of the Prophet's Companions with their rights

and duties. Did not he whom `Umar Ibn Al-Khattaab wanted to kill a short time ago become dearer to

him than his sons?

If in one moment of truth when `Umair embraced Islam he deserved all the respect, honor, glory,

and splendor of Islam, then Islam is indeed a great religion.

Within a short period of time, `Umair knew that his duty towards this religion was to serve it as

much as he had fought it, to support it as much as he had conspired against it and to show Allah and His

Prophet what they liked of truth, struggle, and obedience. Thus, one day he came to the Prophet and said

"O Prophet of Allah, I had been doing my best to put out the light of Allah and was fond of hurting the

Muslims. I would like you to give me permission to go to Makkah to call them to Allah, His Prophet and

to Islam. Allah may guide them, otherwise, I'll hurt them in their religion as I used to hurt your

companions in their religion."

From the time `Umair left Makkah for Al-Madiinah, Safwaan lbn Umaiyah, who had persuaded

`Umair to go and kill the Messenger, walked proudly in the streets of Makkah, and dropped into its

meetings and clubs joyfully and merrily. And whenever his people and his brothers asked him about the

reason for his merriment and ecstasy when the bones of his father were still warm in the sands of Badr,

he rubbed his hands proudly and said to the people, "Hurrah ! After a few days, happy news will come

and make you forget the Battle of Badr." Every morning he went out of Makkah and asked the caravans,

`Hasn't any matter occurred in Al-Madiinah?" Their answers were in the negative, as none of them had

heard or seen any important matter in Al-Madiinah.