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have the option for four months." After a while Safwaan embraced Islam, and `Umair was extremely

happy about his acceptance of Islam. Ibn Wahb went on his blessed journey to Allah following the great

Prophet by whom Allah saved people from straying and took them out of the depth of darkness into light.



What a Wise Man Was He!

While the armies of Islam were advancing victoriously, there lived in Al-Madiinah a wonderful

philosopher and wise man whose wisdom flowed in his blooming bright words. He kept saying to those

around him, "Can I tell you about the best of your deeds which are more thriving and better than

invading your enemies, cutting their throats and cutting yours, and better than dirhams and dinars?"

Those who listened to him craned and hurried to ask him; "And what is that, O Abu Ad-Dardaa'?" Abu

Al-Dardaa' resumed his speech and his face glittered with the light of faith and wisdom, "The

remembrance of Allah; the remembrance of Allah is the greatest thing in life."

That wonderful wise man was not preaching an isolationist philosophy nor by his own words. He

was not preaching negativism nor the retirement from the responsibilities of the new religion that

considers struggle its cornerstone. Yes, Abu Ad-Dardaa' was not that kind of man, but rather he was the

man who took up his sword and struggled with the Prophet of Allah (PBUH) since he had embraced

Islam till the help and victory of Allah came.

However, he was that type who finds himself in his full lively existence whenever he is alone

contemplating under shelter of the sanctuary of wisdom, and he dedicated his life to seeking truth and

certitude. Abu Ad-Dardaa', the wise man of those great days (May Allah be pleased with him) was a

person who looked forward to His Prophet (PBUH), and he also believed that this faith, with its duties

and understanding, was the only ideal way to truth.

Thus, he was engrossed with his faith, dedicating himself to it and forming his life strictly, wisely,

and seriously according to it. He walked on that path till he arrived at the truth and took his high position

among the truthful ones when communing with his Lord and reciting this verse: "Truly, my prayer and

my devotion, my life and my death are all for GOD, the Lord of the Worlds" (6 :162).

Yes, the struggle of Abu Ad-Dardaa against and with himself ended in the attainment of this high

spiritual position, remote superiority, and personal sacrifice which made him dedicate all his life to

Allah, the Cherisher of the Worlds.

Now, let us approach the saint and wise man. Do you observe the light that radiates round his

forehead? Do you smell the good perfume coming from his direction? It is the light of wisdom and the

perfume of faith. Faith and wisdom have come together happily in this man. His mother was asked about

what he liked best; she answered, "Contemplation and consideration." This is completely in accord with

the saying of Allah in more than one verse

"Therefore take warning, you, who have eyes to see! " (59 : 2).

When he urged his brothers to contemplate and think, he said to them, "Contemplation for an hour

is better than worshipping for the whole night." Worshipping and contemplation and seeking after truth

overpowered him and all his life.

On the day he embraced Islam and pledged his allegiance to the Prophet (PBUH) in this glorious

religion, he was a successful trader of Al-Madiinah. He spent a part of his life in trade before he

embraced Islam and before the Prophet (PBUH) and the Muslims migrated to Al-Madiinah.