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Safwaan continued without despair asking caravan after caravan until one day he met one and said

to them, "Hasn't anything taken place in Al-Madiinah?" The traveler said, "Yes, a very important matter

occurred." With a radiant face and at the peak of ecstasy Safwaan asked the traveler anxiously, "What

happened? Tell me!" The man said ,"`Umair Ibn Wahb has embraced Islam, and he is there learning the

religion and the Qur'aan!"

Safwaan felt giddy, and the good new which he had announced to his people and for which they were

waiting to make them forget the Battle of Badr came to him that day dreadful enough to cause his ruin!

One day the traveler arrived, and `Umair returned to Makkah holding his sword, ready to fight, and

Safwaan Ibn `Umaiyah was the first who met him. No sooner did Safwaan see `Umair than he got ready

to attack him, but the combat-ready sword in the hand of Umair dissuaded him. He was satisfied with

some insults vented on `Umair and went his way.

`Umair entered Makkah as a Muslim though he had left it a few days earlier as a polytheist. In his

memory was the image of `Umar Ibn Al-Khattaab when he embraced Islam, and cried, "By Allah! I'll sit

as a believer in every place where I sat as a polytheist." Taking these words as a motto and that situation

as a model, `Umair made up his mind to sacrifice his life for the religion that he had boldly fought

against when he had the force to hurt any Muslim. And thus he began to compensate for what he had

missed and to race with time by calling to Islam day and night, secretly and openly. In his heart faith

floods upon him with safety, guidance, and light.

On his tongue are words of truth with which he calls to justice, charity, kindness and good. In this

right hand is a sword with which he terrifies the severers who hinder the believers from the path of Allah

and want it crooked. Within a few weeks, those who embraced Islam by the guidance of `Umair Ibn

Wahb were becoming innumerable. `Umair set forth with them to Al- Madiinah in a delightful, long


The desert that they crossed during their journey could not hold its astonishment and wonder at that

man who had crossed it a short while ago holding his sword and hurrying towards Al-Madiinah to kill

the Prophet (PBUH). Then he had crossed it returning from Al Madiinah with quite a different face from

the first one. He was reciting the Qur'aan on the back of his she-camel. Now, he was crossing the desert

for the third time ahead of a long procession of believers filling the desert with the praise of Allah. Yes,

it was a great announcement, that the Satan of the Quraish was turned by the guidance of Allah into a

bold Disciple of Islam who stood beside the Prophet (PBUH) in battles and situations and whose loyalty

to the religion of Allah continued to be firm even after the departure of the Prophet from life.

On the day of the Conquest of Makkah, he did not forget his companion and relative, to call him to

Islam, especially after there was no doubt in the truth of the Prophet (PBUH) and his mission.

Safwaan had traveled to Jeddah on his way to Yemen by sea. `Umair pitied him so much that he

decided to deliver him from Satan by all means. He hurried to the Prophet (PBUH) and said, "O Prophet

of Allah, Safwaan Ibn `Umaiyah is the chief of his people. He set off escaping from you to throw himself

into the sea. Give him safety. Peace be upon you." The Prophet (PBUH) said, "He is safe." `Umair said

"O Prophet of Allah, give me a token for his safety." The Prophet (PBUH) gave him his turban which he

had worn when he entered Makkah.

We let `Urwah Ibn Az-Zubair complete the story: `Umair set off till he reached Safwaan when he was

about to sail. `Umair said, "O Safwaan, I sacrifice my mother and father for you. Avert perishing

yourself. This is the safety of the Prophet of Allah (PBUH) I came to you with." Safwaan said to him,

"Woe to you! Go away, don't speak to me." `Umair said to him, "O Safwaan! I sacrifice my mother and

father for you. The Prophet of Allah is the best, the most righteous, and the most clement of all people.

His glory is yours and his honor is yours." Safwaan said, "I'm afraid." `Umair said, "He's more clement

and more generous than that." He returned with him until they came to the Prophet (PBUH). Safwaan

said to the Prophet, "He claims that you have given me safety." The Prophet said, "He speaks the truth."

Safwaan said to the Prophet, "Give me the option for four months." The Prophet (PBUH) said, "You