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The wisdom of Abu Ad-Dardaa' (May Allah be pleased with him) recommended fraternity and

established human relations on the basis of human nature itself. Thus he said, "To admonish your brother

is better than to lose him. Give your brother advice and be tender with him, but do not agree with his

covetousness lest you should be like him. Tomorrow death comes and you will lose him. And how can

you weep over him after death when you did not give him his right while he lived?"

The fear of Allah in His servants is the strongest and hardest basis upon which Abu Ad-Dardaa'

established the rights of fraternity. He (May Allah be pleased with him) said, "I hate to wrong anyone but

I hate more and more to oppress the person who resorts to Allah, the Most High and the Most Great, for

help against my injustice.

Abu Ad-Dardaa', what a great personality and bright soul you are! He warned people against

delusion when they thought that unarmed weak people fell easy prey in their hands and power. He

reminded them that those in their weakness have a destructive power when they implore Allah in their

disability and offer their plea and the disgrace done to them by people.

This was Abu Ad-Dardaa', the wise man. He was Abu Ad- Dardaa' the hermit, the worshipper, ever

seeking Allah. When people praised his piety and asked him to implore Allah for them, he replied in

humility, "I can't swim well and I fear drowning."

All your wisdom, and you can not swim well, O Abu Ad Dardaa'? But what an astonishment, and

you are nutured by the Prophet (PBUH), a student of the Qur'aan; son of early Islam, and a companion of

Abu Bakr and Umar and the rest of those men!