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Tomorrow You'll See the Nature of the Rulers after Me.

Among the foremost Muslims and the first Muhaajiruun to Abyssinia and then Al-Madiinah, among

the extraordinary fighters who proved themselves brave in the cause of Allah was this towering , bright-

faced, and humble-hearted man, Utbah lbn Ghazwaan.

He was among the first seven who embraced Islam and extended their right hands to the right hand of the

Messenger of Allah (PBUH). They pledged themselves to him while challenging the Quraish with all

their fortitude and power for revenge. In the first days of the mission, the days of difficulty and terror,

`Utbah Ibn Ghazwaan, together with his brothers, stood bravely, which turned out later to be the very

provision that nourished the human conscience and made it grow in the course of time.

When the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) ordered his Companions to emigrate to Abyssinia, `Utbah

went with them, but his yearning for the Prophet (PBUH) did not allow him to settle there. Soon he

hurried back to Makkah where he stayed near the Messenger until it was time for the Hijrah to Al-

Madiinah. So, `Utbah emigrated again with the Muslims.

After the Quraish started their provocations and wars, `Utbah was always carrying his lance and

bow, using them expertly and contributing with his believing brothers to the destruction of the old world,

including all its idols and lies. He did not, however, put his weapons down after the noble Messenger had

died, but kept fighting. His jihaad against the Persian armies was great.

The Commander of the Faithful `Umar Ibn Al-Khattaab sent him to conquer Al-Abullah and purify

its land of the Persians who regarded it as a dangerous zone of action from which to launch out at the

Muslim troops that would be marching across the land of the Persian Empire, trying to save the countries

and slaves of Allah. While `Umar was bidding him and his army farewell, he said, "Proceed on your way

until you reach the remotest Arab country and the nearest foreign country. Go, and may Allah bless you.

Invite to Allah whoever answers you, and impose jizyaad upon whoever refuses or else use your sword

without mercy. Wear the enemy down, and fear Allah your Lord."

Utbah advanced, heading an army that was not big until they reached Al-Abullah, where the

Persians were massing one of their strongest armies. `Utbah organized his troops and stood at the front

carrying his lance that never missed its target. He called out his soldiers, "Allahu akbar (Allah is the

Greatest), and Allah will fulfill His Promise," as if he were reading something invisible. It was no more

than blessed patrols before Al-Abullah surrendered. Its land was purified of the Persian soldiers, its

people were liberated from the tyranny that had often tormented them, and the Great Allah had fulfilled

His promise.

In the same place as Al-Abullah, `Utbah planned the city of Al Basrah, constructed it, and built its

great mosque. When he wanted to leave the city and return to Al-Madiinah, escaping from the

responsibilities of rule, the Commander of the Faithful ordered him to stay. `Utbah stayed in his place

leading people in prayer, instructing them in religion, judging between them with justice, and giving

them the most wonderful example in asceticism, piety, and simplicity. He fiercely fought the

extravagance and luxury of those who liked comforts and desires.

One day he made a speech addressing them. He said. "By Allah, I was the seventh of the first seven

with the Messenger of Allah (PBUH), eating nothing but leaves of trees until the corners of our mouths

were sore. I was given a garment. I cut it into two halves and gave one half to Sa'd lbn Maalik and I wore

the other half."