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The Hero of the Day of As-Saqiifah

He inherited noble characteristics, handed down from father to son. His father, Hudair Al-Kataaib,

was a leader of Al-Aws and one of the great nobles and strong fighters of the Arabs in the pre Islamic


Usaid inherited from his father his status, courage, and hospitality. Before becoming a Muslim, he

was one of Al-Madiinah's leaders, a noble of the Arabs, and one of their excellent spearmen.

When Islam attracted him and he was guided to the Way of the Almighty, Worthy of All Praise, he

was best honored when he took his place as one of Allah and His Messenger's Ansaar and one of the

foremost believers in the great religion of Islam.

He embraced Islam quickly, decisively, and honorably. The Messenger (PBUH) sent Mus'ab Ibn

`Umair to Al-Madiinah to teach and instruct the Muslim Ansaar who had given their allegiance to the

Prophet (PBUH) in the First Pledge of `Aqabah and to call others to Allah's religion.

On that day Usaid lbn Hudair and Sa'd Ibn Mu'aadh, who were leaders of their people, were

discussing this stranger who had come from Makkah to denounce their religion and call to a new one

unknown to them. Sa'd said to Usaid, `Go directly to this man and deter him."

So Usaid carried his spear and hurried to Mus`ab while he was a guest of As'ad Ibn Zuraarah, one of

the leaders of Al Madiinah who was among the early believers in Islam. And there, where Mus`ab and

As'ad Ibn Zuraarah were sitting, Usaid saw a crowd of people listening carefully to the rational words

with which Mus`ab Ibn `Umair was calling them to Allah. Usaid surprised them with his anger and

outburst. Mus`ab said to him, "Won't you sit down and listen? If our matter pleases you, accept it, and if

you hate it, we'll stop calling you to what you hate."

Usaid was an enlightened and intelligent man whom the people of Al-Madiinah called "Al Kaamil"

(The Perfect), a nickname that his father used to bear before him. So, when he found Mus`ab appealing

to logic and reason, he stuck his spear in the ground and said to him, "You're right, tell me what you


Mus`ab started reciting the Holy Qur'aan to him and explaining to him the call of the new religion,

the true religion whose standard Muhammad (PBUH) was ordered to spread. Those who attended this

assembly said, "By Allah, we saw Islam in Usaid's face before he spoke. We knew it because of his

brilliance and easiness."

No sooner did Mus`ab finish his words than Usaid was overwhelmed and he shouted, "How good

these words are! What do you do if you want to embrace this religion?" Mus`ab said, "Purify your body

and clothes, and bear true witness, then pray."

Usaid's character was straight, strong, and clear. He would not hesitate a second in face of strong

opposition, if he knew his own way.

So Usaid got up quickly to welcome the new religion which was penetrating his heart and

overwhelming his soul. He washed, purified himself, and prostrated to Allah the Lord of the Worlds in

worship, announcing his embracement of Islam and abandonment of paganism.

Usaid had to go back to Sa'd Ibn Mu'aadh to give him the news of the task which had been assigned

to him to deter and expel Mus`ab Ibn `Umair. He went back to Sa'd, but as he approached Sa'd said to

those around him, "Usaid's face is changed. I swear it." Yes. He went with a challenging, angry face and

came back with a face full of mercy and light.